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David Clark Glass

David Clark Glass

                         Name: David Clark Glass

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army Air Forces

                         Unit: 4000TH AAF Base Unit
                         Group, 47th Wing, 15th Air Force

                         Rank: Staff Sergeant

                         Dates of Service: 2/20/1940-7/26/1945

                         Theater of Service: American

                         David Glass's WWII Story

Staff Sergeant Glass Stationed in Georgia
The Scottsville News, Scottsville, Virginia
Thursday, May 25, 1944, (P. 1)

S/Sgt. David C. Glass, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glass, of Rt. 2, Scottsville, is temporarily stationed at Daniel Field, Augusta, Georgia, a Replacement Depot for the Air Service Command where he is awaiting further assignment.  He recently completed 48 months of service with the Army Air Forces in the Caribbean Area, as an instrument specialist with a fighter squadron.

S/Sgt. Glass enlisted in the Army Air Forces in February 1940, at Richmond, Virginia.  S/Sgt. Glass later attended the Panama Air Depot Instrument School in Panama.  He completed grammar and high schools in Scottsville, and formerly assisted Mr. Glass on the farm.

David Clark Glass was born February 4, 1922, in Virginia; he was the son of John Joseph Glass and Kathryn Rosalie (McBride) Glass.  David enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps on February 20, 1940, and his first assignment was maintaining U.S. Army Air Corps planes in the Panama Canal.  In February 1944, David was posted temporarily at Daniel Field in Augusta, Georgia, and by spring 1945, David was stationed at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, Ohio, as part of the 4000th Army Air Force (AAF) Base Unit.  There he met a wonderful young WAC in his unit�s mess hall.  Her name was Alice Black, a WAC in the 4000th AAF from Albion, Indiana.  David was discharged from the AAF in July 1945 and returned to his Virginia poultry farm just 3 miles east of Scottsville, VA. 

David married Alice in January 1946, and Alice had to wait a month before she was discharged from the WACs and moved to join David at his farm.  David and Alice were the parents of three children: Constance Louise Glass (1949), Clayton Brent Glass (1954), and a third child born in September 1947.  David passed away on November 25, 1982, at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, VA, and is buried at Scottsville Cemetery.

David Clark Glass Gravestone, Scottsville Cemetery

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