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In Summer 2006, Scottsville Museum began an effort to record and publish the gravestone inscription information from local cemeteries.  The museum's goal for this project is to make such information more readily available for research use by historians and genealogists.  Gretchen Calcagni, an intern at Scottsville Museum from the Institute for Public History at the University of Virginia tackled Scottsville Cemetery, the largest local cemetery with over 1582 marked graves.  She completed recording, mapping, and photographing the cemetery in late June 2006.  Over the next six weeks, Gretchen also recorded and photographed the gravestones at Christ Church Episcopal Church and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church cemeteries.  Also actively engaged in similar 2006 field work was the team of Callie and John Bowers, who recorded the gravestone inscriptions at Scottsville's Baptist Church and the Gilmer Family Cemetery at Mt. Ayr near Keene, VA.  Robert Manoso, a 2007 intern at Scottsville Museum from the Institute for Public History, recorded and photographed the cemetery inscriptions at Centenary United Methodist Church, New Green Mountain and New Hope Baptist Churches, St. Stephens Episcopal Church, and Union Baptist Church.  Sue and Ricky Patterson recorded the gravestone inscriptions at Antioch Baptist Church in December 2007.  Edna Nees recorded the gravestone inscriptions at Fox Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery in December 2009.  Sarah Robinson and Connie Geary recorded the gravestone inscriptions at Staples Family Cemetery in June 2011.

With the assistance of many local history fans, Scottsville Museum is in the continuing process of updating all of our local cemetery information.  As of mid-August 2017, the Museum has completed updating our lists of gravestones in the Scottsville Cemetery; Christ Church Episcopal Cemetery, Glendower; Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery, Keene; and Union Baptist Church, Scottsville.  Scottsville Museum plans to continue updating the remaining active cemeteries on our list below and will advise our readers when that research is completed.  Stay tuned!

Other contributors to the Museum's gravestone inscription project include:  Gwynne Daye, Evelyn Edson, Connie Eubanks, Charles Fry, Connie Geary, Paul Geary, Jo McClesky, George Nelson, Graham Paige, Pat Pitts, Val Schleicher, Cenie Re Sturm, Barbara Taylor, Raymon Thacker, and Best of What's Around.  As the Museum team records other local cemeteries, we will post that information here.  Stay tuned!

Please click on each image for a larger view and more information.

Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery, Antioch

Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery Date:  ca. 1910

Image Number:  SP01cdSP01

Comments:  Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery is located approximately 13 miles northeast of Scottsville on Antioch Road near its intersection with Rolling Road.  The church was organized in 1858 by 18 charter members, and five acres of land were deeded to the church trustees by John H. and Mary H. Burgess for a church site. In September 2017, its cemetery contained 377 marked and 75 unmarked graves.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Centenary United Methodist Church, Centenary

Centenary United Methodist Church Cemetery Date:  2007

Image Number:  cg092cdcg06

Comments:  Founded in 1869, Centerary United Methodist Church Cemetery is located approximately 7 miles south of Scottsville on Rt. 20.  Many area Methodists, involved with farming along the James River's south shore, Hatton Ferry, or business in Scottsville, are buried in this church cemetery.  In September 2017, its cemetery contained about 189 gravestones.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Christ Church Episcopal Cemetery, Glendower

Christ Church Episcopal Church Cemetery Date:  2018

Image Number:  cg089cdcg06

Comments:  The cemetery at Christ Church, Glendower is located about 4 miles northwest of Scottsville on Glendower Road (SR713)  Construction of Christ Church began in 1831, and Bishop William Meade of Virginia consecrated the church on July 28, 1832.   As of July 2017, the Christ Church cemetery contained approximately 224 gravestones.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Fox Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery, Scottsville

Fox Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery Date:  2010

Image Number:  cg72cdcg05

Comments:  The Fox Memorial Baptist Church cemetery is located in Fluvanna County about 2.8 miles east of Scottsville on SR VA-6 (West River Road).  The church was organized in 1944 and named for Ryland Fox, who donated the land and was a member of the church.  In September 2017, this church cemetery contained approximately 36 gravestones.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Keene

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Date:  2006

Image Number:  CG086cdCG06

Comments:  The Mount Pleasant Baptist Church cemetery is located in Keene, Virginia, just northwest of Scottsville.  The church inherited the cemetery from the Gardner family when it moved to the adjacent land in 1963.  The Gardners had previously used the graveyard as their family cemetery.  As of August 2017, the cemetery contained approximately 101 gravestones.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Mt. Ayre Cemetery, Keene

Mt. Ayre Cemetery Date:  2006

Image Number:  

Comments:  The Mount Ayre cemtery is located in Keene, Virginia, just northwest of Scottsville.  The cemetery is on the privately owned Mt. Ayre Farm; public access is limited by current owners.   As of August 2006, the cemetery contained approximately 31 gravestones.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

New Green Mountain Baptist Church Cemetery, Esmont

New Green Mountain Baptist Church Cemetery Date:  2007

Image Number:  CG094cdCG06

Comments:  New Green Mountain Baptist Church is an African-American church founded in 1896 and located at 7259 Porters Rd., Esmont, Virginia.  Its cemetery is located at 7725 Porters Rd. and adjoins the cemetery belonging to New Green Mountain Baptist Church of Esmont.  In September 2017, New Green Mountain Cemetery contained approximately 171 gravestones and numerous unmarked graves or graves with illegible gravestones.  Directions to New Green Mountain Baptist Church Cemetery from Scottsville Museum: from Scottsville Museum:  Go West on Main Street and turn right on Valley Street.  Continue up Valley Street which becomes SR20.  Turn left on Irish Road (SR6) and travel 5.7 miles West.  Turn left on Porters Rd. (RT 627).  Drive 0.6 miles, and New Hope Baptist Church is on the left.  New Green Mountain's side of the cemetery starts around the row of trees looking south from the church parking lot.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery, Esmont

New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery Date:  2007

Image Number:  CG094cdCG06

Comments:  New Hope Baptist Church is an African-American church founded in 1877 and located at 7725 Porters Rd., Esmont, Virginia.  In September 2017, its cemetery contained approximately 153 gravestones and numerous unmarked graves or graves with illegible gravestones. This cemetery adjoins that of New Green Mountain Baptist Church of Esmont.  Directions to New Hope Baptist Church from Scottsville Museum: from Scottsville Museum:  Go West on Main Street and turn right on Valley Street.  Continue up Valley Street which becomes SR20.  Turn left on Irish Road (SR6) and travel 5.7 miles West.  Turn left on Porters Rd. (RT 627).  Drive 0.6 miles, and New Hope Baptist Church is on the left.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

St. George Catholic Church Cemetery, Scottsville

St. George Catholic Church Cemetery Date:  2017

Image Number:  CG2017CG8616

Comments:  St. George Catholic Church Cemetery is located 3.2 miles northwest of Scottsville, Virginia, near the intersection of Scottsville Road(VA 20) and Langhorne Road.  St. George Catholic Church opened in 1975 and is part of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond.  Its cemetery is just north of the church building, and as of September 2017, the cemetery contained approximately 104 gravestones.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

St. Stephens Episcopal Cemetery, Esmont

St. Stephens Church Cemetery Date:  2006

Image Number:  CG093cdCG06

Comments:  St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Esmont, Virginia, is part of historic Saint Anne's Parish.  The church was built in 1914, and in September 2017, its church cemetery contained about 64 marked graves. 
Directions to St. Stephens Episcopal Cemetery from Scottsville Museum:  Go West on Main Street and turn right on Valley Street.  Continue up Valley Street which becomes SR20.  Turn left on Irish Road (SR6) and travel West six miles.  At the Episcopal Church sign on SR6, turn right on SR715 (Esmont Road).  St. Stephen's is approximately 0.6 mile on the left.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery

Scottsville Baptist Church Date:  2006

Image Number:  CG085cdCG06

Comments:  The Scottsville Baptist Church cemetery is located on the northwest and southwest sides of the church building at 690 Harrison Street.  The church was built in 1840 with property and funds donated by Anna Maria (Barclay) Moon and her husband, Edward Harris Moon, early Baptists of Viewmont near Carter's Bridge.  Based on extant gravestones in September 2017, the earliest burial at this church appears to be 1851 (John Conoley), and the latest, 2016 (Sheridan James McNamara).

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Scottsville Cemetery

Scottsville Cemetery Date:  2017

Image Number:  CG090cdCG06

Comments:  The Scottsville Cemetery, located at the corner of James River Road and Hardware Street in Scottsville, was originally called the Presbyterian Cemetery.  It was established in 1864 when the Scottsville Presbyterian Church purchased land from Charles E. Little and devoted four of these acres to be used as a cemetery.  In 1940, the Scottsville Presbyterian Church transferred the land to a cemetery corporation, and it became known as the Scottsville Cemetery in 1942.  As of August 2017, the Scottsville Cemetery contained approximately 1773 gravestones as well as several unmarked graves.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Scottsville Confederate Cemetery

Scottsville Confederate Cemetery Date:  2001

Image Number:  CG04cdCG01

Comments:  The Scottsville Confederate Cemetery on Moore's Hill contains the graves of 41 Confederate soldiers, who died in the Scottsville hospital during 10 months of 1862-1863.  The cemetery was restored between 1908-1914, and the Scottsville Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, erected the central granite shaft monument and 40 granite markers.  In 2001, the Scottsville UDC installed a brass plaque at the cemetery that identifies the names and units of 40 of the 41 deceased soldiers.

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Staples Family Cemetery

Staples Family Cemetery Date:  2011

Image Number:  CG06178

Comments:  The Staples Family Cemetery in Keene, Virginia (7 miles north of Scottsville on Rt. 20) is located on a private farm, Best of What's Around (formerly Church Hill Farm) near the intersection of Coles Rolling and Glendower Roads.  The Staples Family Cemetery is visible from Christ Episcopal Church on Glendower Road, and consists of 28 extant gravestones for the Staples family of Scottsville and their kinfolk, the Powers and Davis families. 

Copyright � 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Union Baptist Church Cemetery

Union Baptist Church Date:  2018

Image Number:  CG04cdCG01

Comments:  Union Baptist Church is the oldest African-American congregation in the Scottsville area and was organized in 1865 by the Reverends Henry Smith and John A. Doll.  Located on Hardware Street, this church was designed by Rev. Houston Perry and constructed by Perry and John Dickerson of nearby Columbia, VA.  The building was completed in 1954 and replaced the congregation's smaller, woodframe church further down the hill near the Union Baptist cemetery (at the left of the current Union Baptist Church). 
Directions to Union Baptist Church Cemetery from Scottsville Museum:  Go West on Main Street and turn right on Valley Street.  Just after you pass Warren Street on your left, veer to the right onto Hardware Street. Continue on Hardware Street for about one mile. Union Baptist Church will be on the right side of the street; just southwest of the church is Union Baptist Church Cemetery on the right side of the Hardware Street.

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