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Staples Family Cemetery

Staples Family Cemetery

Name:  Staples Family Cemetery

Date:  June 2011

Image Number:  CG1768

Comments:  The Staples Family Cemetery is located in Albemarle County approximately 7 miles north of Scottsville, Virginia, near Keene.  The cemetery is located on a private farm, Best of What's Around (formerly Church Hill Farm), near the intersection of Coles Rolling and Glendower Roads.  Pictured above is the westward view from the cemetery with the treeline to the west approximating the route of Glendower Road. 

The Staples Family Cemetery sits in a grove of trees surrounded by a wooden fence and contains 28 standing stones and approximately 5 stones that have fallen forward on their faces in the moist cemetery soil.  Buried here are at least four children of Thomas and Ann (Tompkins) Staples of Scottsville, namely, Sarah (wife of D.P. Powers), Olivia (wife of Isaac P. Spencer), Phanuel (wife of William D. Davis), and Silas Staples.  Thomas Staples (1795-1862) once owned much of the land in close proximity of this cemetery and became a leading merchant in Scottsville before his death.  Several years ago a descendant of Thomas Staples reported to the Museum that Thomas was buried in this family cemetery near his wife and children.   It is possible that two of the three large gravestones, which have fallen inscription-side down, are those of Thomas and Ann Staples. Unfortunately, in June 2011, Museum volunteers could not budge these fallen gravestones to confirm that theory.  If any of our readers has an earlier photograph of Thomas' or Ann's gravestone, the Museum would love to hear from you; please contact us via e-mail at

We thank the farm manager and staff of Best of What's Around for their support to Scottsville Museum and allowing our volunteers to photograph and record these historic gravestones in the Staples Family Cemetery for research use by all.  Thanks also to Sarah Robinson, a Senior at Tandem Friends School and a talented archaelogist, for her invaluable field work on this project. 

To see photographs of each gravestone, please click on the names in boldface below:

Armstrong, Virginia E.
1836 - 1891

Davis, Elizabeth Hancock
1895 - 1957

Davis, Infant Son
of W.D. & P.S. Davis
December 14, 1853

Davis, Lelia Armstrong
1866 - 1951

Davis, Lula K.
1867 - 1938

Davis, Madison Giles
1862 - 1910

Davis, May P.
1864 - 1941

Davis, Nannie E.
1854 - 1927

Davis, Phanuel Gardner
1890 - 1891

Davis, Phanuel Staples
Wife of Wm. D. Davis
March 2, 1828 - May 24, 1897

Davis, Virginia Allegre
Aged Three Days 1888

Davis, William D.
May 29, 1818 - April 14, 1876

Davis, William Daniel
1893 - 1970

Davis, 'Little' Willie
Son of W.D. & P.S. Davis
June 3, 1857 - March 2, 1859

Emerson, Ellen
Who died at the residence of
Thomas Staples, Esq.
January 23, 1848, aged 27
Miss E. was a native of Mass.,
daughter of the Rev. Joseph Emerson,
late of Wethersfield, CT

Martin, Mary
Daughter of Joseph Hayden
February 16, 1781 - February 8, 1857

Powers, David Pinckney
April 5, 1826 - April 28, 1894

Powers, Sarah
Wife of David Pinckney Powers
July 1, 1831 - June 18, 1913

Powers, 'Little' Tommy
Son of Sarah & Pinckney Powers
November 27, 1857 - May 25, 1859

Ransom, Gregory W.
December 17, 1955 - September 2, 1985

Salsbury, Ambrosine
1869 - 1946

Spencer, Isaac P.
(no dates)

Spencer, Olivia Staples
Wife of Isaac P. Spencer
March 16, 1821 - November 27, 1898

Staples, Eleanor
Who was born of
Thomas & Nancy Staples
On the 1st day in October 1819
and fell asleep in Christ
February 25, 1846

Staples, John
Son of Thomas and Nancy Staples
May 4, 1835 - June 1, 1859

Staples, Silas
July 22, 1829 - December 27, 1902

Vollrath, Martha Lenger
Widow of Ernest Vollrath
Born in Germany, April 3, 1904
Died in Fairfax, VA, January 1, 1983

Wade, Mrs. C.
Formerly Mrs. C. Noel
and daughter of Thomas Staples, Sr., of Buckingham
October 19, 1779 - September 7, 1857


Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Top Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CG1768



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