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Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery, Keene

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery, Keene

Name:  Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery, Keene

Date:  August 2006

Image Number:  CG086cdCG06

Comments:  The Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery is located in Keene, Virginia, just northwest of Scottsville.  The church inherited the cemetery from the Gardner family when they moved to the adjacent land in 1963.  The Gardners had previously used the graveyard as their family cemetery.  As of August 2006, the cemetery contained approximately 74 gravestones.   Many of the graves at the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery are marked by wooden crosses and do not include identification information.  At this time, no information is available about the names of the people buried in those graves.  Also, approximately 12 of the graves with stone markers are either not photographable or illegible.  In August 2017, Scottsville Museum updated our listing of this cemetery which currently contains 101 gravestones.

Directions to Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery from the Scottsville Museum:  Head West on Main Street and take a right onto Valley Street.  Travel North on State Route 20 about 4.5 miles.  Turn left onto Esmont Road, SR712.  Continue straight about one mile until you arrive at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, which is on the right side of the road.  The cemetery is to the left of the church.

Following is the August 2006 listing of the extant gravestones at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery as prepared by Gretchen Calcagni, an intern at Scottsville Museum from the Institute for Public History at the University of Virginia.  In August 2017, this listing was updated by Connie Geary of Scottsville Museum..  Asterisks (*) that appear before names denote veterans. 

Agee, Beulah B. Allen
June 6, 1926-February 3, 2008

Agee, Dashawn
April 1991-May 1991

Agee, George Sr.

Agee, Joseph J., Jr.
July 26, 1920-October 12, 2010

Agee, Rev. Joseph Jasper
September 4, 1895-August 9, 1980

Agee, Moses N. Sr.
May 5, 1928-August 25, 2002

*Agee, Nelson
US Marine Corps
April 14, 1934-April 22, 1996

Agee, Pencie Johnson
June 22, 1900-March 7, 1981

Agee, Ray M.
November 22, 1959-June 29, 1980

Agee, Rosa Lee
July 2, 1939-September 12, 2005

Agee, Virginia G.
December 17, 1927-November 1, 2002

*Agie, Dennis Lee
TEC4, 224 QM, WWII
October 24, 1915-July 21, 1964

Agie, Lucille H.
September 19, 1907-August 27, 1978

Anderson, Augustina C.
February 25, 1954-

Anderson, John R.
February 7, 1948-April 10, 2011

Anderson, Milton D.
July 19, 1927-June 29, 2016

Brown, Benjamin I.
January 25, 1890-January 5, 1968

Brown, Hattie W.
November 17, 1883-June 25, 1962

Carter, Lorenzo

Carter, Virginia

Creasy, Virene V.
October 23, 1943-October 8, 2010

*Fortune, Lovelist Emmett
August 25, 1915-July 5, 1973

Fortune, Otto Harold

Franklin, John

*Gardner, Benjamin Vandoa
November 10, 1888-November 9, 1959

Gardner, Charlotte C.
April 7, 1905-April 7. 1942

Gardner, Elliott J., Sr.
February 10, 1940-November 27, 2014

Gardner, Evelyn Rodgers
November 30, 1940-

Gardner, H.
September 22, 1876-August 23, 1892

Gardner, H.S.
August 10, 1882-January 21, 1906

Gardner, Helen A.
March 1, 1886-September 14, 1918.

Gardner, Kenton Sheffield
December 28, 1937-August 24, 2009

Gardner, John H.
May 17, 1895-January 8, 1965

Gardner, L.P.
December 18, 1899-October 12, 1924

Gardner, Morjorie Louise.
January 8, 1935-December 7, 2010

Gooding, Anna M.

Gooding, George Kenton, Sr.
October 4, 1932-January 2, 2010

Gooding, Josiah A.
November 11, 1934-September 4, 1985

Gooding, Theodore Eugene
December 1, 1929-January 20, 1986

Gray, Arthur R.
February 9, 1920-August 28, 1976

Gray, Ester M.

Hartgrove, Maggie Ross
March 12, 1900-June 15, 1985

Howard, Dorothy F.

Jackson, Lora Watson
November 19, 1910-February 12, 1987

*Johnson, Dennis
PVT, Co. B, 511 Engineers, WWI

Johnson, James N.
August 15, 1923-February 26, 1981

Johnson, John B.
October 21, 1964-February 24, 2008

Johnson, Lucinda
Died July 12, 1958, aged 55 years

Jones, Jean L.
May 1, 1928-July 3, 2014

Jones, Lucilla Webb
December 14, 1950-May 28, 2013

Jones, Sarah Elizabeth Gardner
Wife of George Jones
January 12, 1891-April 7, 1946

Lee, Annie Louise Johns
October 4, 1929-June 6, 2006

Lowe, Grace M.
January 4, 1921-July 26, 1989

Luck, Carlton Andrew
January 13, 1932-August 19, 2008

Luck, Nancy Ward
April 29, 1934-

McClenon, Hattie E.
April 2, 1915-September 7, 1983

McClenon, Navasco
March 26, 1905-July 11, 1994

McDuffie,Virginia Clarke
February 22, 1941-February 26, 2011

Monroe, Brister Garland

Monroe, Rev. James B.
September 23, 1898-April 2, 1975

Monro, James Jasper

Monroe, Julian J.

Monroe, Martha A.
November 29, 1879-December 7, 1952

Monroe, Theodore Wadsworth
February 19, 1904-August 2, 1977

Mortis, Lucious J.

Mortis, Madeline A.

Nelson, Charles Henry
September 7, 1911-February 15, 1988

*Nelson, Charles N.
SGT, US Marine Corps, Vietnam
November 15, 1944-January 30, 2002

*Nelson, George L.
SP4, US Army
February 17, 1954-July 10, 2007

Nelson, Patricia T.
February 17, 1949-January 2, 2009

Nelson, Phillip Wyatt
November 28, 1914-July 12, 1962

Nelson, Virginia E.
April 23, 1928-November 22, 2011

Parson, Lular Moore
January 3, 1932-January 2, 2007

Richardson, Cornelia P.

Richardson, Lucilia Gardner
Wife of William G. Richardson
September 26, 1880-June 2, 1946

*Richardson, William G.
August 6, 1910-May 31, 1975

Roberson, Hattie Scott

Robinson, Rev. John

Roman, Luis A.
March 4, 1961-January 11, 2013

Ross, Christian Deacon
August 23, 1997

Ross, Fred
December 10, 1902-November 19, 1972

Ross, Margaret C.
February 12, 1903-September 2, 1976

*Ross, Robert Lee
September 22, 1920-April 8, 1952

Scott, Henry Sr.
January 10, 1920-April 2, 2004

Swann, Beatrice G.
September 3, 1891-March 1, 1985

*Swann, George Edward

Turner, Martha Nell
May 20, 1925-September 6, 2004

Turner, Tashia A.
January 1, 1976-July 10, 2009

Ward, Chastity Lonyette
August 7, 1974-June 1, 2007

*Ward, Edward D.
SFC, US Army, Korea and Vietnam
January 3, 1930-February 11, 2005

Ward, Julia Nelson
August 22, 1909-January 26, 1989

Ward, Robert Lafayette
August 5, 1931-May 5, 1991

Ward, Rev. Wardell D.
July 15, 1907-August 27, 1967

Ward, Wardell Louis
January 12, 1933-December 21, 2002

Washington, Emma Mae
November 21, 1950-April 30, 1986

Washington, Sadie N.
March 11, 1918-October 26, 1963

Watson, Jennie Johnson

Webb, Hattie Madison
March 9, 1986

Webb, John Rush
October 15, 1911-August 11, 1972

Webb, John Rush Jr.
March 21, 1948-March 23, 1948

Webb, Louise Richardson
August 14, 1907-April 4, 1989

The gravestone listing of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery was compiled by Gretchen Calcagni in August 2006 as part of Scottsville Museum's ongoing effort to record local church and cemetery records.  In August 2017, this cemetery listing was updated by Connie Geary.


Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Top Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDCG06



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