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William Raymond Jones, Jr.

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                         Name: William Raymond Jones, Jr.

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army Air Forces


                         Rank: Staff Sergeant

                         Dates of Service: 12/17/1942-4/19/1944

                         Killed in action in Germany.

                         Area of Service: Europe

                         Mother: Mrs. Marguerite Holmes Jones,

Bill Jones of Keene Gets Silver Wings in Texas
Scottsville News, 15 April 1943 (p.1):

Bill Jones, son of Rev. and Mrs. W.R. Jones, who live near Keene, is now in training at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Bill took his basic training at Miami Beach, Florida, and from there went to Laredo Texas. He finished advanced training there and earned his Silver Wings as an aerial gunner. He is now training in radio at Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Jones Brothers Visiting Parents Near Keene
Scottsville News, 16 September 1943 (p.1):

Sergeant Bill Jones and Corporal James Jones are visiting in the home of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Jones near Keene. Bill, a graduate of Scottsville High School, has just graduated from Radio School at Sioux Falls, SD.

Memorial Services
Scottsville News, 20 July 1944 (p.1):

Memorial services for Staff Sergeant William Raymond Jones, Jr., radioman on a Flying Fortress, who gave his life in action over Germany, will be held in Scottsville Methodist Church, Sunday evening, July 23, at 8 o'clock. Sergeant Jones was the son of Rev. and Mrs. W.R. Jones of Keene.

William Raymond Jones, Jr., was born on August 15, 1924, in Appleton, South Carolina; he was the son of Reverend William Raymond Jones, Sr, (1882-1971) and Marguerite (Holmes) Jones (1891-1951).  By 1943, William's parents were living in Keene, Virginia, and when their son, William, Jr., was killed in action over Germany on April 19, 1944, a memorial service for Staff Sergeant William Raymond Jones, Jr., was held at the Scottsville Methodist Church in Scottsville, Virginia.  To honor William R. Jones, Jr., and other Army Air Forces officers, who gave their lives in this 1944 crash of the Flying Fortress in Germany, a memorial gravestone was placed at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in Lemay, St. Louis county, Missouri.

William Raymond Jones Memorial, Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery

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