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Robert Holmes Trice

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                         Name: Robert Holmes Trice

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Navy


                         Rank: BMC

                         Dates of Service: 7/18/1935-3/19/1948

                         Theater of Service: Pacific, Korea


Robert Holmes Trice was born on December 13, 1915, in Albemarle County, Virginia; he was the son of Obediah Ashton Trice (1872-1947) and Heather Ellen Elizabeth (Journey) Trice (1896-1986).  By 1920, Robert was living in Scottsville, Albemarle County, Virginia, with his parents and siblings.  Robert enlisted in the U.S. Navy on July 19, 1935, and he was serving on the aircraft carrier, Hornet (CV-12), in October 1941.  While serving on the Hornet during the Battle of Santa Cruz (October 25-28, 1942), Japanese torpedoes and bombs heavily damaged the Hornet.  Before the Hornet sank, Robert and other crewmen on the Hornet were transferred to the Pensacola, a U.S. cruiser nearby.  After a short furlough home to see his parents, Robert returned to his Navy unit in the Pacific.

On February 18, 1943, the Scottsville News featured the following article about Robert Holmes Trice and his four brothers, who were serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during WWII:

Five Brothers Now In Armed Forces
Trice Family May Hold County Service Record
Scottsville News, February 18, 1943

The five Trice brothers, Robert H., Laurence T., Charles A., Carlyle A., and Joseph L., all sons of Mr. and Mrs O.A. Trice of Howardsville and all members of Uncle Sam's armed forces, may hold the service record for family enlistments in Albemarle County.

Robert H. Trice, who graduated from Scottsville High School in 1935, enlisted in the Navy after graduation and is now a Boatswain.  He was on the "Hornet" when it was torpedoed and spent several hours in the water before being rescued.    After spending a furlough with his parents at the family home in Howardsville, Boatswain Trice has returned to his duties aboard the aircraft carrier Princeton.

Lieutenant Laurence T. Trice, a graduate of the University of Virginia, is now stationed at Camp Davis, North Carolina.  Before entering the service, he was engaged in educational work in Southwestern Virginia.

Private Cadet Charles A. Trice is stationed at Salmon Field, Monroe, Louisiana, where he is taking a course in bombardier navigation.

Private Carlyle A. Trice is stationed in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he is studying provisional railway.

Private Joseph L. Trice, recently inducted, is at present at Camp Lee.  Private Trice intends taking a course in meteorology.

The Trice boys are well known throughout this community, and news of their activities will be of great interest to their many friends.

Robert married Marjorie Elaine Waters (1921-1968).  Robert Holmes Trice passed away on June 23, 1973, in Charlottesville, Virginia; he is buried near his wife, Marjorie, at Riverview Cemetery in Charlottesville.

Robert Holmes Trice Gravestone, Riverview Cemetery

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