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James Gordon Pitts

James Gordon Pitts, WWII

                         Name: James Gordon Pitts

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army Air Forces


                         Rank: Flight Officer

                         Dates of Service:

                         Theater of Service:


James Gordon Pitts was born on November 3, 1916, in Scottsville, Albemarle County, Virginia; he was the son of Marion Arthur Pitts (1887-1932) and Julia Elizabeth Bessie Holladay (1888-1975).  In the 1920-1930 censuses, James was living in Scottsville, Virginia, with his parents and siblings.  James married Jane Ellen Moore on June 23, 1939, in Richmond, Virginia.  In 1940, James completed his draft registration card for Virginia and listed his employer, The American Tobacco Company, Inc., in Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia.  In the 1940 U.S. Federal Census, the residence for James and Jane Pitts was listed as Varina, Henrico, Virginia.

Details on the theaters and dates of James' military service during WWII have not been identified.  However, the above photograph of James in his Army Air Forces uniform came from an undated newspaper article.  The photo was taken as he completed his Army Air Forces training in Frederick, Oklahoma and was accompanied by the following text:

F/O James G. PittsJames G. Pitts, of Route 14, received his bomber pilot's wings and his appointment as a flight officer in the Army Air Forces on completion of flight training November 20 at the Frederick, Oklahoma, Army Air Field twin-engine advanced school.

James Gordon Pitts passed away on May 25, 1996, and is buried beside his wife, Jane, at the Varina Episcopal Church Cemetery in Varina Grove, Henrico County, Virginia.

James Gordon Pitts and Jane Ellen (Moore) Pitts Gravestone,  Varina Episcopal Church Cemetery

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