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Hay Norvell Baber

Hay Norvell Baber

                         Name: Hay Norvell Baber

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army Air Forces

                         Unit: 8th AAF

                         Rank: SMSGT

                         Dates of Service (1):1/8/1943-10/4/1945

                         Theater of Service: European-African-                          Middle Eastern

                         Dates of Service (2):11/16/1945-                          6/15/1968

Anecdotes About Hay Baber
by Gregory Baber

Staff Sergeant Baber Awarded Air Medal
The Scottsville News, 6 July 1944 (p.1)

An 8th AAF Bomber Station., England - Staff Sgt. Hay N. Baber, 20, of Scottsville, VA, radio operator and gunner on an 8th AAF flying fortress, has been awarded the Air Medal.

The award was for meritorious achievement while participating in bombing attacks in Nazi Germany and on coastal installations, paving the way for the Allied invasion of Normandy.

Sgt. Baber is the son of Bessie J. Baber of Scottsville. He was a checker at the Richmond Quartermaster Depot before he entered the AAF on January 8, 1943.

Staff Sergeant Baber Receives Additional Honors
The Scottsville News, 27 July 1944 (p.1)

An 8th AAF Bomber Station, England - Staff Sergeant Hay N. Baber, 20, of Scottsville, VA, radio operator and gunner on an 8th AAF B-17 Flying Fortress, has been awarded two Oak Leaf Clusters to his Air Medal, equivalent to additional awards of the Medal.

The awards were for meritorious achievement while participating in bombing attacks on German industries and on coastal defense and supply lines in support of the Allied invasion of France.

Sergeant Hay N. Baber Awarded Fourth Oak Leaf Cluster
The Scottsville News, 5 October 1944 (p.1)

AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE BOMBER STATION, ENGLAND--Technical Sergeant Hay N. Baber, 21, radio operator and gunner, of Scottsville, Virginia, has been awarded the fourth Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal, previously won, at this Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress station.

The award was for "meritorious achievement" during bombing attacks on Nazi war industries and on military targets in support of Allied ground forces.

Sergeant Baber is the son of Mrs. Bessie J. Baber of Scottsville, and he was a checker at the Richmond Quartermaster's Depot before entering the AAF in January 1943.

Sergeant Hay N. Baber Arrives in United States
The Scottsville News, Scottsville, Virginia
Thursday, November 2, 1944 (p.1)

MIAMI BEACH, FLA -- T/Sgt. Hay N. Baber, 21, of Scottsville, has arrived at Army Air Forces Redistribution Station No. 2 in Miami Beach for reassignment processing after completing a tour of duty outside the continental United States.

Medical examinations and classification interviews at this post, one of three redistribution stations operated by the AAF Personnel Distribution Command for AAF returnee officers and enlisted men, will determine his new assignment.  He will remain here about two weeks, much of which will be devoted to rest and recreation.

Sergeant Baber, son of Mrs. Bessie J. Baber, was a Flying Fortress radio operator and gunner in the European theatre for five months and flew on 35 missions.  He holds the DFC and the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters.

Hay Norvell Baber was born on August 20, 1923, in Buckingham, Virginia; he was the son of Sidney Cabell Baber (1881-1931) and Bessie (Jones) Baber (1890-1984) of the Slate River area of Buckingham Co. near Scottsville, Virginia.  Hay married Leonore Adelaide Griffith on January 30, 1946 in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Hay passed away on June 10, 1987, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery (Section 60, Site 2910).

Hay Norvell Baber Gravestone, Arlington National Cemetery

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