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George Hampden Nicholas

George Nicholas

                         Name: George Hampden Nicholas

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army Air Forces

                         Unit: 584th Bomb Sq., 394th Bomb Group

                         Rank: Sergeant

                         Dates of Service: 3/6/1943-4/3/1946

                         Theater of Service: Europe-African-
                         Middle Eastern

George H. Nicholas Graduates from Aircraft
Radio Mechanics School

Scottsville News, 21 September 1944 (p.1):

Madison, Wisconsin, Sept. 15 - Pvt. George H. Nicholas, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Nicholas of Scottsville, has been graduated from the AAF Training Command's aircraft radio mechanics school at Truax Field where he was taught fundamentals of servicing radio equipment on bombers and fighter planes flying with the AAF throughout the world, it has been announced by the post commander.

Trained primarily as a highly skilled technician, Pvt. Nicholas also has had instruction in physical training, defense against chemical warfare, aircraft identification, handling of firearms, and other allied subjects.

Depending upon the current needs of the AAF, he also may be assigned to advanced schools for further studies or to other centers as an instructor in radio mechanics.

Private George Nicholas Completes Training
The Scottsville News, Scottsville, Virginia
November 23, 1944 (p.1)

CHANUTE FIELD, ILL. -- Private George Nicholas, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Nicholas, has completed training and has been graduated from the school of the ARMY AIR FORCES TRAINING COMMAND.

While attending this Army Air Forces Training Command school, he received instructions in the Electronics Course, and in various technical operations vital to the maintenance of the country's fighting planes.

George Hampden Nicholas was born on January 19, 1922, in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia; he was the son of Henry Reeves Nicholas and Frances C. (Ludlam) Nicholas of Scottsville, Buckingham, Virginia.  George married and had two children.  He passed away on May 25, 2003, in Centreville, Amite County, Mississippi, and is buried in Mississippi.

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