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Eugene Warren Hamshar

Eugene W. Hamshar

                         Name: Eugene Warren Hamshar

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army

                         Unit: CO C, 303 MED BN, 78TH DIV

                         Rank: PFC

                         Dates of Service: 3/08/1943-2/01/1946

                         Theater of Service: European-African-
                         Middle Eastern, American

Thacker Brothers Funeral Home, Scottsville, VA

Eugene Warren Hamshar, 86, of Scottsville, died Thursday, November 4, 2010, at University of Virginia Medical Center.  He was born July 8, 1924, in Brooklyn, NY, a son of the Late Robert Walter and Irma (Wright) Hamshar.  In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters; a grandchild; three great-grandchildren; and a daughter-in-law, Karen Hamshar

Mr. Hamshar served in the U.S. Army Co. C, 303 Medical Battalion, 78th Division as a Combat Field Medic.  He was the recipient of the Bronze Star, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with three bronze service stars, World War II Victory Medal, Combat Medical Badge 1st Award, and the Honorable Service Lapel Button WWII.  During his career, he held many jobs from Plant Manager at Libby's in Delaware to selling Insurance in Virginia to commercial fishing in Florida.  There was nothing he was unable to repair or build.  He was a member of St. Anne's Parrish and the Scottsville V.F.W. Post 8169.

Survivors include wife, Lillian (Herndon) Hamshar; eleven children, Lynda H. and Ed Baptist of Durham, NC; Roger E. and Renae Hamshar of McCleary, WA; Kenneth W. and Diane Hamshar, of Scottsville, VA; Joyce H. and Wayne Moore, of Scottsville; Deborah E. and Thomas Bergeron, of Apex, NC; Gloria H. and William Poindexter, of Scottsville; John R. Hamshar, of Scottsville, and his former wife, Tracy Carroll; Jacqueline Augsburger of Cape Carteret, NC, and her former husband, John; Jennifer H. and Danny Koczan, of Scottsville; Cynthia H. and Jarrell Knight, of Dyke; and Andrew L. and Joyce Ann Hamshar, of Barboursville; one brother and one sister; 36 grandchildren; and 50 great grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren; and his care giver, Jill Payne.

A memorial service will be conducted at 11:00 AM on Monday, November 8, 2010, at Christ Episcopal Church, Glendower, by the Rev. R. Ellen White.  Burial will follow at the Christ Church Cemetery on Glendower Road near Keene, VA.

The family will receive friends from 4 until 6:00 PM on Sunday, November 7, 2010, at Thacker Brothers Funeral Home in Scottsville.

Memorial contributions may be sent to the Scottsville Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 550, Scottsville, VA 24590.

Eugene Warren Hamshar Gravestone, Christ Church Cemetery

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