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Dawson Bill Ray

No photo is available.

                         Name: Dawson Bill Ray

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army


                         Rank: SGT

                         Dates of Service: 1/4/1941-

                         Theater of Service:


Dawson Bill Ray was born on April 3, 1913, in Unicoi, Tennessee; his parents were Stephen Lewis Ray (1886-1960) and Cora Alice (Shelton) Ray (1891-1938).  In 1941, Bill married Hilda Marie Shelton (1911-1995), and after the war, Bill and family moved to Scottsville, Virginia, where Bill was employed by the C&O Railway Company.  Bill passed away on March 28, 1976, in Charlottesville, Virginia, and is buried beside his wife, Hilda, in Scottsville Cemetery, Scottsville, Virginia.

Obituary, Bill Ray
Newspaper and date of its
publication are unknown.

Bill Ray, 62, of Scottsville died Sunday in the Towers Hospital

He was a retired C&O Railroad employee and a veteran of World War II.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hilda M. Ray; one son, Albert Lee Ray of Newport News, VA.; one daughter, Ms. Oma Gayle Ray of New York City; two brothers, Tony Ray of Jonesboro, Tennessee, and Harry Ray of Mars Hill, North Carolina; three sisters, Mrs. Lola Resse of Greenville, Tennessee, Mrs. Oma Carter of Limestone, Tennessee, and Mrs. Bethel Shelton of Marshall, North Carolina; a step-mother, Mrs. Nettie Ray of Farmville, Virginia; one half-brother, Doyle Ray of Farmville, Virginia; one half-brother, Doyle Ray of Knapolis, North Carolina; two half-sisters, Mrs. Eloise Foster and Miss Catheleen Ray, both of Farmville.

Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, March 31, at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Thacker Brothers Funeral Home in Scottsville with internment in Scottsville Cemetery.

The family will meet with friends at the Funeral Home on Tuesday night from 7-8:30.

Dawson Bill Ray Gravestone, Scottsville Cemetery

Dawson Bill Ray and Hilda Shelton Ray Gravestone, Scottsville Cemetery

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