Dandgure Henry Robinson
Name: Dandgure Henry Robinson
Branch of Service: U.S. Army
Unit: 515 Port BN
Rank: T/4
Dates of Service: 8/14/1943-3/16/1946
Theater of Service: European-African-
Middle Eastern
Dandgure Henry Robinson was born on June 18, 1924, in Albemarle County, Virginia; he was the son of Edward Emerson Robinson (1892-1971) and
Sarah Ardelia (Bolden) Robinson (1882-1963). Dandgure married Shirley Virginia Friedman on March 4, 1950, in Esmont, Albemarle County,
Virginia. Dandgure passed away on February 9, 1970, in Esmont and is buried in New Green Mountain Cemetery in Esmont.