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Allen Hamilton Cobb

Allen Hamilton Cobb

                         Name: Allen Hamilton Cobb

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Navy

                         Unit: U.S.S. Derrick

                         Rank: GM3c

                         Dates of Service: 9/14/1943-3/20/1946

                         Area of Service: Europe-African-Middle
                         Eastern, American

A Remembrance of the Cobb Brothers in WWII:

During World War II, two brothers from Warren, VA (which is just up the James River from Scottsville) served their country in the U.S. military.  Thomas Lloyd Cobb and Allen Hamilton Cobb were sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Cobb.  Thomas served in the Third Army's tank battalion group under General George S. Patton in Germany, France, and Czechoslovakia.  Allen served in the Navy aboard the U.S.S. Derrick, an escort ship.

Before Thomas was to be shipped to Germany, he was due a furlough, which was cancelled while he was in New Orleans, LA.  Feeling pretty low, Thomas went downtown.  Walking down the street, he saw several sailors coming toward him, and one turned out to be his brother, Allen.  Both brothers were very surprised as neither knew the other was in New Orleans.  They had a happy-sad get together.  Surely God had a hand in that meeting.

Their sister,
Zoa Marie Cobb Self, Scottsville, VA

Thomas Lloyd Cobb
Born March 27, 1921
Died July 20, 1990

Allen Hamilton Cobb
Born December 6, 1922
Died January 31, 1995

Allen Hamilton Cobb was born on December 6, 1922, in Scottsville, Virginia; he was the son of Thomas Lee Cobb and Zoa Helen (Kirby) Cobb of Warren, Virginia.  Allen married Doris Arleen Sandridge on September 12, 1960, in Fluvanna County, Virginia.  Allen passed away on January 31, 1995, in Albemarle County, Virginia; he is buried at Scottsville Cemetery in Scottsville, Virginia.

Allen Hamilton Cobb Gravestone, Scottsville Cemetery

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