Cary Nelson Moon, Jr.
Name: Cary Nelson Moon, Jr.
Branch of Service: U.S. Navy
Unit: USS Alkes
Rank: Lieutenant
Dates of Service: 1945-1946
Lt. Moon served as a medical physician
aboard the USS Alkes during WWII.
He returned to the University of Virginia
after the war for further medical training.
During the Korean War, Dr. Moon returned
to active duty with the Navy.
Theater of Service: Pacific
Cary and Mary Moon on their wedding day, 17 June 1944, at St. Paul's Church, Charlottesville, VA. According to Mrs. Moon,
"We were married at 9 AM so that Cary could catch an 11 AM troop train. Many troop trains came by, but ours did not
arrive until 1PM! We did have 53 wonderful years together!"
Cary N. Moon, MD
ENT-Ear, Nose & Throat Journall, January 1998
Dr. Cary N. Moon, Jr., died on May 19, 1997 in Charlottesville, VA,
where his home and practice were located. He was a widely respected otologist, and we all lost a talented, valuable colleague. I lost my best friend of 50 years.
I have never met a person who didn't like Cary Moon. His patients from all over the southeastern and eastern United States were fiercely loyal to him.
Dr. Moon was born June 25, 1921, in Shirland Farm in Scottsville, VA. He was educated in local schools. He graduated from the University of Virginia both from the
undergraduate school and the medical school. He was elected to AOA in 1974. Doctor Moon is survived by his wife, Mary, and six children -- Mary L. Holladay of
Alabama; Ridie C. Otey of Williamsburg; Cary N. Moon III of Charlottesville; Richard D. Moon of Mooresville, North Carolina; James B. Moon of Richmond, Virginia; and Page W.
Moon of Alexandria, Virginia--as well as 10 grandchildren.
Dr. Moon was a lieutenant in the Navy Medical Corps during World War II and returned to active duty during the Korean War. After World War II, he returned
to the University of Virginia and was trained in general surgery and otolaryngology under Dr. F. W. Woodward and Dr. G.S. Fitzhugh.
He was an excellent teacher. His operating room was open to all physicians. Many residents through the years were enriched by observing his skill and
being albe to participate in otologic discussions.
Dr. Moon made 23 significant contributions to medical literature, mainly on otologic subjects. He gave many scientific presentations, both locally
and nationally. He worked on many committees, both in his state of Virginia and nationally.
The contributions that Cary made with respect to my education cannot be measured. He helped me above and beyond the call of duty.
I visited him regularly in the very early days of stapes surgery and consulted with him frequently. We had many discussion sessions in his
operating room, his home, and at national meetings. He even came to my town serveral times to help me in surgery.
Dr. Moon was an active member of many scientific societies. He was a clinical professor in the Department of Otalaryngology--HNS at the
University of Virginia. He was President of the medical staff at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1971 and a member
of the Board of Trustees from 1967 to 1984. Cary was a member of The Triological Society and was Vice President of the Southern Section in
1974. He was President of the DRF-Centurion Club in 1977 and of the American Otologic Society in 1983. He was President of The Otosclerosis Study
Group in 1981.
While his primary focus was on his family and his profession, Cary was an avid sportsman and particularly enjoyed golf, tennis, and hunting.
I can recall his getting up in the middle of the night, hunting at first light, and being in the O.R. on time. We had golf games all over the country, but
never at the expense of scientific sessions while at meetings.
Cary will be remembered as a wonderful person, a talented physician, a willing teacher, and a dear friend to many of us.
William C. Morgan, Jr., MD
Cary Nelson Moon's gravestone at Christ Church Episcopal Cemetery in Keene, Virginia: