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Alfred Nelson Napier

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                         Name: Alfred Nelson Napier

                         Branch of Service: U.S. Army

                         Unit: Co. L, 417th Regt, 76th Infantry Division

                         Rank: PFC

                         Dates of Service:4/29/1944-6/10/1946

                         Theater of Service: Europe


Co. L records show the following actions for Alfred N. Napier, Army Serial Number 33886680:

21-Mar-1945  Napier, Alfred N.  CIB (Combat Infantryman's badge)

05-Mar-1945  Napier, Alfred N.  promoted to Pfc, 03-Mar-1945

07-Apr-1945  Napier, Alfred N.  LWA 07-Apr-1945 dropped

09-Apr-1945  Napier, Alfred N.  LWA 06-Apr-1945 (correction)

25-May-1945  Napier, Alfred N.  reasgd & jd 24 May

Pvt Napier participated in many of Co. L's battles.  He crossed the Sauer River from Echternach, Luxembourg, into Germany on February 10, 1945, and was involved in the very heavy fighting getting across the flooded river in small boats and at night.  He was also involved in the heavy fighting Co. L experienced in trying to take pillboxes in the next week.  As an active member of Co. L, Napier would have fought at Welschbillig, Germany, on February 28, 1945; Kenn, Germany, in early March 1945; and at Schmitten, Germany in late March 1945.  He was also involved in Co. L's last major fighting, where he was wounded near Oberkaufungen, Germany, on April 6, 1945, when he was sent to the hospital.  Pvt. Napier rejoined his unit in May 1945 near the Czech border after VE Day.

Alfred Nelson Napier was born on June 27, 1945, in Fluvanna County, Virginia; he was the son of Elijah Thomas Napier and Mary Elizabeth Ripley.  Alfred married Ruby Jane Evans on February 19, 1946, in Lovingston, Virginia.  Alfred Nelson Napier passed away on October 25, 1986, and is buried at Scottsville Cemetery, Scottsville, Virginia.

Alfred Nelson Napier Gravestone, Scottsville Cemetery

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