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Confederate Veteran Reunion, 1908

Confederate Reunion, 1908

Name:  Confederate Veteran Reunion, 1908

Date:  July 21, 1908

Image Number:  RollTwoNeg16

Comments:  The 1908 Reunion of Confederate Veterans in Scottsville drew about 128 soldiers from the Virginia counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, and Nelson.  Present were 43 officers and members of the Henry Gantt Camp of Scottsville.  Many old Southern songs were sung, and prominent citizens spoke, including Scottsville's Dr. J. P. Blair, W.D. Patteson, David Pitts, Jackson Beal, U.S. Senator Thomas S. Martin; and U.S. Representative John Lamb of Richmond.  Martin, a beloved citizen of Scottsville, gave a particularly heartfelt and well-received speech.  According to a Charlottesville newspaper account, "Senator Martin's speech, while short, was filled with that convincing power and earnestness, so characteristic of the speaker, that all were sorry when he closed.  His expressions of devotion to the people of Scottsville and vicinity were indeed beautiful.  His beautiful and loving tribute to the memory of (Major) Jas C. Hill, that brave and true Confederate soldier, who has gone to meet his Great Commander, brought forth the most enthusiastic applause of the day."

Included in this photo are many soldiers from the 19th VA Infantry, 46th VA Infantry, and 43rd VA Cavalry (Mosby's Rangers).  Use the image below as a guide to the identities of several local soldiers:

1) George Walker Gilmer, Howardsville, Private, 43rd VA Cavalry
2) Zachary Jones, Scottsville, Private, Co. D, 43rd VA Cavalry
3) Jonathan Pitts, Scottsville, Private, Co. C, 19th VA Infantry
4) Nicholas Graham, Scottsville, Sergeant, Co. E, 46th VA Infantry
5) John Ramsey, Scottsville, unit unknown, believed to be Co. D, 3rd VA Reserves
6) William Londeree, Howardsville, Sergeant, Co. D, 19th VA Infantry
7) Curtis Nunley Branch, Manteo, Private, Co. D, 56th VA Infantry
8) Oswin Smith Harris, Scottsville; his rank and unit of service in the Confederate Army are unknown.  However, Oswin Smith Harris submitted an "Application of Soldier for Disability by Reasons of Disease or the Infirmities of Age" to S.R. Gault, Notary Public in Scottsville, Albemarle County, on 16 March 1904.  Jackson Beal of Scottsville signed Oswin's application as a witness.  Aside from his 'paralysis' which made him 'unable to do work of any consequence,' Oswin's rank and the Confederate unit of his service were not documented in his disability application. 

Copyright © 2022 by Scottsville Museum

Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDB3

Confederate Reunion, 1908



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