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Confederate Reunion, 1908

Confederate Reunion, 1908

Name:  Confederate Reunion, 1908

Date:  July 21, 1908

Image Number:  B06cdB18

Comments:  A Grand Rally and Reunion of Confederate veterans was held at Scottsville on July 21, 1908.  This Burgess panorama was taken on Valley Street, looking west at the intersection of West Main and Valley Street, and shows some of the over 2000 people who gathered to greet the veterans. An entry in the Minute Book of Henry Gantt Camp No. 75 describes the reunion's beginning as follows: "The line formed in front of Town Hall and marched to the grounds just outside the village where a large crowd of people of the town and surrounding county had gathered to greet the veterans.  Hon. W.D. Patteson delivered the address of welcome, after which Judge R. T. W. Duke (of Charlottesville) in his usual bright and happy style introduced the Hon. Capt. Micajah Woods (of Charlottesville, formerly a lieutenant in Jackson's Battery of Horse Artillery), the principal orator of the day."

Senator Thomas S. Martin also spoke to the reunion crowd assembled at the Henry Gantt campgrounds located near the burial sites for 40 Confederate soldiers who died in Scottsville hospitals during the Civil War.  Per the Charlottesville Daily Progress, dated July 22, 1908, Martin called attention to the fact that "forty Confederate soldiers from the far South ...(are buried)... Monument at Moore's Hill Confederate Cemetery Monument in unmarked graves not a stone's throw from where he stood."  Hannah E. Moore, owner of the cemetery land, informally donated this property to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.  Senator Martin made a generous monetary gift to get the fund-raising campaign started for the monument.  In 1914, the Scottsville UDC Chapter erected a central granite shaft monument and 40 granite markers at this Confederate cemetery.  Later Dr. L.R. Stinson acquired ownership of much of the original Moore property, and legally conveyed "Moore's Hill Confederate Cemetery" to the Scottsville U.D.C. Chapter in 1929.

See the image below as a guide to one spectator and several buildings on Main Street:

(1)  Nat Roberts
(2)  The Dorrier Building
(3)  The Carleton House

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDB18

Confederate Reunion, 1908



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