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Scottsville High School Class of 1966

Scottsville  High School Class of 1954, Willis, Stargell, Ownsby, Hanes, Holt

Name:  Scottsville High School Class of 1966

Date:  1966

Image Number:  Scottsville HS Scotty, 1966

Comments:  Shown above are the five officers of the 1966 Senior Class at Scottsville High School in 1966:  (L to R) Barbara Willis, Reporter; Linda Stargell, Secretary; Marilyn Ownsby, Treasurer; Jeff Hanes, Vice President; and Marie Holt, President.  Academic leaders of the Senior Class of 1966 were Marie Ann Holt, Valedictorian, and Ross Scott Haine, Salutatorian.  To see their photos and those of the other members of the 1966 Senior Class, see below:  

Scottsville Seniors:
Scottsville Sun and Piedmont Press, Thursday, 26 May 1966

Roger Lee Bryant, who has lived in Scottsville all his life and has attended Scottsville School for the entire 12 years, will work until "the draft gets me" following graduation.

A handy man with a wrench, Roger spends much of his time out of school, working at local service stations, is interested in all kinds of things including all outdoor sports and athletic events.

At school, he is active in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and served as Scottsville High School's (SHS) treasurer for the current term.  He was also a member of the basketball squad.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Bryant, Roger has four brothers and one sister.

One of the outstanding athletes at Scottsville, John E. Vance, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Vance, Sr., was a co-captain of the school's basketball team and was named Most Valuable Player for the current school year.  He was awarded the M.V.P. trophy.

He was a member of the team for two years, and before that was a football player at Miller School, which he attended for the 10th and 11th grades.  He has also played baseball during his four years in high school.

He has been active in the school's Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter, serving as the group's president during the just-ending term.  He placed second in district public speaking contests conducted by the FFA.

John, who plans to enter the United States Navy following graduation, has one sister, Vivian, and a brother, Sidney.

SHS Graduation Set for June 10:
Scottsville Sun and Piedmont Press, Thursday, 2 June 1966

Principal T. A. Allison will present diplomas to 18 graduates at Scottsville High School Commencement Exercises at 8 p.m. June 10 at the school

The class valedictorian, Marie Holt, grand-daughter of Mrs. Emma Critzer, Esmont, and the class salutatorian, Ross Haines, son of Mrs. Hazel H. Haine, will speak at the program.

The baccalaureate service will be held at 8:00 p.m. June 5 at the school auditorium.  The Rev. John A. Wright, Jr., Rector of St. Anne's Parish, will give the address

SHS Graduation Exercises Slated for Tomorrow Night:
Scottsville Sun and Piedmont Press, , Thursday, 9 June 1966

Eighteen students will receive diplomas at commencement exercises for Scottsville High School tomorrow night at the school auditorium.  The ceremony will begin at 8 p.m., according to Principal T. A. Allison, who will present diplomas.

There will be no regular commencement speaker, he said, but addresses will be made by Marie Holt, valedictorian, and Ross Haine, salutatorian.

Scholastic and athletic prizes and awards will be made at the ceremony also, he said.  These have been made at class day exercises in the past.  Awards to be made include the United States Rubber Company's merit award.  This winner is kept a complete secret until the presentation.

Members of the graduation class are: Luther Edward Baber, Jr., Lee Bryant, Joyce Ann Dameron, Joan Christine Easton, Ross Scott Haine, Jeffrey Patrick Hanes, Marie Ann Holt, Daniel Ray Miller, Ruth Ann Morris, Marilyn Teresa Ownsby, Betty Lou Roberts, Marvin Douglas Roberts, Lou Ada Shelton, Linda Faye Stargell, John Erestus Vance, Jr., Wayne Melton Wharam, Barbara Ann Willis, and Myrtle Juanita Wyland.

Awards Made at SHS Exercises
Scottsville Sun and Piedmont Press, Thursday, 16 June 1966

Principal T.A. Allison presented diplomas to 18 graduates, Friday night at the 1966 Commencement Night exercises at Scottsville High School.

Class valedictorian Marie Holt and salutatorian Ross Haine made addresses, and annual scholarship and athletic awards were made to 20 students of the school.

Daniel R. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller, Schuyler, won the $200 cash award and loving cup presented annually by the U.S. Rubber Company to a Scottsville graduate.

The 19th annual award was presented by Don Wright, an official of the local plant.  The winner is chosen by the faculty and students on the basis of scholarship, leadership, sportsmanship, and character.  It is to be used to continue the winner's education in some way, Wright said.

Other award winners were:

Readers Digest Award:  Marie Holt;  Danforth Foundation "I Dare You" Citizenship Awards:  Marilyn Ownsby and Daniel Miller;  Agriculture Award:  Wayne Johnson;  Typing and Shorthand Award, Joan Easton;  Science Award:  Sandra Roberts;  English Award, Lou Ada Shelton.

Latin Award, John Elliott;  French Award, Sandra Roberts;  Mathematics Award, Eddie Baber;  History Award, Mary Conrad.

Forensics Award:  Jeff Hanes, Sally Smith, Ross Haine, Cenie Re Moon, Johnny Elliott, Barbara Wilkerson, Dan Miller, and June Davidson.

S.A.R. Citizenship Award, Montie Spencer;  D.A.R. Citizenship Award, Marie Holt;  D.A.R. History Award, Jim Baber;  Athletic Award, Bill Cockenour, Jeff Hane, and Martha Alice Golloday.

Home Economics, Linda Stargell.

Following presentation of awards, Dr. W.E. Moody, school board member from this district, addressed the graduates briefly, telling them to "continue your education -- even if you don't attend college."

Members of the graduating class were:  Luther Edward Baber, Jr., Roger Lee Bryant, Joyce Ann Dameron, Joan Christine Easton, Ross Scott Haine, Jeffrey Patrick Hanes, Marie Ann Holt, Daniel Ray Miller, Ruth Ann Morris, Marilyn Teresa Ownby, Betty Lou Roberts, Marvin Douglas Roberts, Lou Ada Shelton, Linda Faye Stargell, John Erestus Vance, Jr., Wayne Melton Wharam, Barbara Ann Willis, and Myrtle Juanita Wyland.

Following are the photos for the entire SHS Senior Class of 1966:
Luther Edward Baber, Jr. Roger Lee Bryant Joyce Ann Dameron
Luther Edward Baber, Jr. Roger Lee Bryant Joyce Ann Dameron
Joan Christine Easton Ross Scott Haine Jeffrey Patrick Hanes
Joan Christine Easton Ross Scott Haine Jeffrey Patrick Hanes
Marie Ann Holt Daniel Ray Miller Ruth Ann Morris
Marie Ann Holt Daniel Ray Miller Ruth Ann Morris
Marilyn Teresa Ownby Betty Lou Roberts Marvin Douglas Roberts
Marilyn Teresa Ownby Betty Lou Roberts Marvin Douglas Roberts
Lou Ada Shelton Linda Faye Stargell John E. Vance
Lou Ada Shelton Linda Faye Stargell John E. Vance
Wayne Melton Wharam Barbara Ann Willis Myrtle Juanita Wyland
Wayne Melton Wharam Barbara Ann Willis Myrtle Juanita Wyland

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

All Images Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, 1966 Scottsville HS Scotty



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