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Scottsville High School Senior Class, 1956

Scottsville  High School Class of 1956, StinsonScottsville HS Class of 1956, Johnson and Goodwin

Name:  Scottsville High School Senior Class, 1956

Date:  1956

Image Number:  Scottsville HS Scotty, 1956

Comments:   Shown above are three of the officers of the Scottsville High School Senior Class in 1956:  (L to R)  Curtis Maynard Stinson, President; Callie Vee Johnson, Vice President; and Elizabeth Ann Goodwin, Secretary. Following are the photos of the remaining officers of the Senior Class of 1956: (L to R), Laura Louise Spradlin, Treasurer; and   Mildred Lucille Jones, Reporter.

Mildred Jones Receives Annual Award By Plant
The Scottsville Sun, 31 May 1956

The United States Rubber Company Achievement Award will be presented tonight at the Class Night exercises of the Scottsville High School graduating class by Donald Carroll, manager of the Scottsville Plant.

This year's winner is Miss Mildred Lucille Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K.E. Jones.  She plans to enter Ferrum Junior College this fall.

The award consists of $200 in cash and a loving cup, and this is the tenth year it has been made.

The basis on which the award is made is as follows:  A student who has shown outstanding qualities in citizenship, leadership, and along with his scholastic record, governs, to a large extent, the winner.  There must be a desire on the part of the student to further his education, whether it be through business courses, manual training courses, or college training.  The student is one who is deserving of additional aid in furthering his education.

Students who felt they met these requirements filed applications with the school principal and the High School faculty considered them and selected not less than two, nor more than five, candidates who, in their opinon, met the requirements.  The names were submitted to the Senior Class to select the winner by secret ballot.  The winner received a majority of the votes cast.

Previous winners are:  Virginia Mildred Spencer in 1947;  Anne Lupton Paulett, 1948;  John Ralph Baber, 1949;  Sallie Frances Patterson, 1950;  Hazel Irene O'Brien, 1951;  Wilson Leslie Harrison, 1952;  Margaret Elizabeth Moore, 1953;  Doris Ann Cunningham, 1954;  and Lester Edward Bailey in 1955.

Following are the portraits of the rest of the 1956 Senior Class of Scottsville High School:

Laura Louise Spradlin Mildred Lucille Jones
    Paul Edwards Jones       Dorothy Christine Jones Donald Ray Bell    
    Herbert Wayne Kidd Frances Jane Spradlin     Alice Mae Bryant     
          Mary Phyllis Scott             Elizabeth Anne Dawson David Price Clements   
    John Russell Marshall     John Henry Haga

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

All Images Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, 1956 Scottsville HS Scotty



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