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Scottsville High School Class of 1958

Scottsville  High School Class of 1958

Name:  Scottsville High School Class of 1958

Date:  1958

Image Number:  SCE005

Comments:  The graduating Senior Class of Scottsville High School in 1958 is shown with their Principal J.W. Boggs.  The following list of student and Principal names is keyed to the photo above:

First row (left to right):
(1) Shirley Cunningham;  (2) Patricia Bailey;  (3) Virginia O'Brien;  (4) Marvin Ripley;   (5) Barbara Kidd

Second row (left to right):
(6) Hazel Patterson;  (7) Carol Duncan;  (8) Lola Mae McKamey;  (9) Barbara Dameron;  (10) Nancy Gianniny;  (11) Aleane Gianniny

Third row (left to right):
(12) Wilbur Bryant;  (13) George Gianniny, Jr.;  (14) Thomas 'Sonny' Goode ;  (15) Joe Eyre;  (16) Principal J. W. Boggs;  
Not pictured above is Betsy von Krough

The officers of the Class of 1958 were Barbara Kidd, President; Marvin Ripley,Vice President; Virginia O'Brien, Secretary; Patricia Bailey, Treasurer; and Hazel Patterson, Reporter.  Class Valedictorian was Shirley Cunningham, and Class Salutatorian was Carol Jean Duncan. 

Graduation exercises at Scottsville High School began with Class Night on Friday, 06 June 1958.  The Baccalaureate sermon was given on Sunday night, 08 June 1958, and Commencement was held on Monday, 09 June 1958.  All three events were held at the Scottsville High School auditorium on West Main Street.

Margaret Anne Williamson played the processional and recessional for all three occasions.  Rev. J.P. Elliott, Jr., gave the invocation for Class Night, and Barbara Kidd, Class President, presided and introduced members of the Class of 1958.  At Commencement, Carol Jean Duncan gave the salutatory address; Nancy Gianniny, the class history; Marvin Ripley, the class will; Hazel Patterson, the class prophecy; Barbara Kidd, souvenirs; special music by Carol Jean Duncan and Shirley Cunningham; presentation of class gift, Pat Bailey; the valedictory address by Shirley Cunningham; Donald Carroll presented the U.S. Rubber Company award; and J.W. Boggs announced the awards and recognition of honor.

Shirley Cunningham and Marvin Ripley, 1958 Two Scottsville High School seniors earned four awards each during Class Night activities.  Marvin Erskine Ripley (at left) received the United States Rubber Company $200 cash prize and loving cup for showing outstanding qualities in citizenship, leadership, and sportsmanship.  He also won the Danforth Foundation award, social science award, and the William Day Smith award. 

Shirley Cunningham (at left) was named winner of the Danforth Foundation award, the shorthand and English awards, and was cited as being the top ranking student in her 1958 class scholastically.

Other awards were given to:  Virginia O'Brien, good citizenship; Billy McDearmon, excellence in American history; Joyce Currier, home economics; Patsy Simmers, mathematics; Roland Leap, agriculture; Carol Jean Duncan, typewriting; Norma Fitzgerald, Latin; and Betsy von Krogh, $25 savings bond for the winning essay about Thomas Jefferson.  A $50 gift was presented to the school by the 1958 Senior Class.  This money was slated to purchase a curtain for the new high school auditorium which was slated for construction in Summer 1958.

Principal Boggs presided at the Baccalaureate service, and the sermon was delivered by Don Allen, student minister of the Scottsville Presbyterian Church.  The Scottsville Baptist Church Choir furnished special music.  Mr. Boggs also presided at commencement.  Paul Cale, Superintendent of Albemarle County schools, introduced the commencement speaker, Wright Harrison, member of the Albemarle County Board and President of the Peoples Bank in Charlottesville.  The Choir from the Scottsville Methodist Church furnished special music at the commencement ceremonies.  Forest E. Paulett, local member of the County School Board, awarded diplomas.

Following are the Senior photos for the Scottsville High School Class of 1958:
    Patricia Louise Bailey     Wilbur Eugene Bryant     Shirley Gertrude Cunningham
  Barbara Virginia Dameron Carol Jean Duncan     Louis Joseph Eyre
Frances Aleane Gianniny George Randolph Gianniny, Jr. Nancy Mae Gianniny
        Thomas Allen Goode     Barbara Ann Kidd         Lola Mae McKamey
          Virginia Mae O'Brien       Helen Hazel Patterson         Marvin Erskine Ripley
          Betsy Von Krogh  

These photos and information about Scottsville High School's Class of 1958 are part of the Shirley Cunningham Eye Collection at Scottsville Museum.  In 2014, Shirley resides in Fredericksburg, VA.

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Top Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDSCE01

Middle Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDSCE01

Senior Class of 1958 Individual Photos Located On:   Capturing Our Heritage, CDSCE01




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