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Scottsville School Students at Brady School, 1906

Scottsville School Students at Brady School, 1906

Name:  Scottsville School Students at Brady School, 1906

Date:  December 11, 1906

Image Number:  B570cdB32

Comments:   Shown above are the Scottsville students attending the Brady School at the southeast corner of Main and Valley Streets in Scottsville in December, 1906.  By the 1907 school session, Scottsville students and faculty moved to a large double-gabled gray building with green trim and red sashes, sitting so grandly on "School Hill" above Valley Street. This Scottsville School on the hill measured sixty-eight by forty feet and contained four large rooms with a hall and cloakrooms on the first floor. An assembly room occupied the second floor and had a superb view of the river-bordered town.

Following are the names of the students beginning at the Front Row:
1)  Lindsay Butler; 2)  Hugh Ballard; 3)  Wylie Beal; 4)  Lacy Moore;
5)  Blair Moon; 6)  Guy Moon; 7)  Claude Butler; 8)  Robert Londeree;
9)  John Goodman; 10)  Luther Cleveland; 11)  Tom Peasants;
12)  John Briggs; 13)  Unknown; 14) George Thomas; 15) Everard Agee.

Second row:
1)  Mary Ballard; 2)  Alice Ballard; 3)  Lucy Pleasants; 4)  Katherine Fox;
5)  Annie Londeree; 6)  Edna Moore; 7)  Elsie Ragland; 8)  Eugenia Dawson;
9)  Willie Dawson; 10)  Sarah Londeree; 11)  Unknown; 12)  Emma Baber.

Third row:
1)  Rose Hudson; 2)  Annie Dawson; 3)  Nell Baber; 4)  Mary Fox;
5)  Eva Briggs; 6)  Willie Davis; 7)  Ashby Mayo; 8)  Philip Baber;
9)  James Steger; 10)  Bill Kincaid; 11)  Lindsay Pitts; 12)  George Briggs;
13)  Henry Harris; 14)  Pauldon (Unknown); 15)  Wesley Ballard;
16)  John Pitts; 17)  James Londeree; 18)  Tom Goodman; 19)  Susie Blair; 20)  Fannie Anderson.

Fourth row:
1)  Rachel Beal; 2)  Louise Beal; 3)  Annie Jones; 4) Garnett Sowers;
5)  Helen Harris; 6)  Irene Briggs; 7)  Mary Tapscott; 8)  Louise Horsley;
9)  Ruth Rhodes; 10)  Robert Jones; 11)  Willie Day; 12)  Olive Rhodes;
13)  Bessie Meadows; 14)  Willie Christian; 15)  Frank Baber;
16)  Fannie Briggs; 17)  Maud Mallory; 18)  Mary Butler;
19)  Haywood Londeree; 20)  Nora Baber; 21)  Lizzie Briggs;
22)  Charlie Baber; 23)  Willie Anderson; 24)  Ovander Mallory;
25)  Ella Farrar; 26)  W.S. Dabney.

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDB32



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