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The John Walter Nicholas Family

The John Walter Nicholas Family

Name:  The John Walter Nicholas Family

Date:  ca. 1915

Image Number:  B201cd21

Comments:  John Walter and Anne (Fontaine) Nicholas pose with their daughters and friends.  This Nicholas family lived at The Hermitage, a home about two miles south of Scottsville in Buckingham County on property purchased by John's grandmother in 1832.  Use the image below as a guide to the names of Nicholas family members.

(1) Unknown. 
(2) Unknown. 
(3) Margaret 'Margie' Micou Nicholas (1884-1960), daughter of John Walter and Annie (Fontaine) Nicholas.  Margie was a nurse for many years at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia.  She never married and is buried in Scottsville Presbyterian Cemetery.
(4) Unknown.
(5) Annie Fontaine Nicholas (1887-1975), daughter of John Walter and Annie (Fontaine) Nicholas.  Annie never married and lived with her sister, Margie, at The Hermitage in Buckingham County and later in Scottsville at their home located on the southeast corner of Harrison and Bird Streets.  Annie was a school teacher and very much interested in family and local history.  She is buried in Scottsville Presbyterian cemetery.
(6) John Walter Nicholas (1847-1918) was born at The Hermitage in Buckingham County, Virginia, and was the son of Lorenzo and Martha Jane (Ayres) Nicholas.  John was a Confederate veteran, serving as a sergeant in Company C, Third Virginia Reserves.  In 1884, John married Annie E. Fontaine, who was the daughter of Walter Scott Nicholas and Emogene (Shepherd) Fontaine.  He inherited the north half of The Hermitage property, including the original family home.  John is buried beside his wife, Annie, in Scottsville Presbyterian Cemetery. 
(7) Annie E. (Fontaine) Nicholas (1849-1936), was the daughter of Walter Scott Nicholas and Emogene (Shepherd) Fontaine of Ivy Hill near Arvonia.  Annie later lived with her aunt, Martha Virginia Fontaine, at The Hermitage where her future husband, John Walter Nicholas, also lived.  After their marriage in 1884, Annie and John Nicholas continued to live at The Hermitage.  This property was sold out of the Nicholas family in the late 1930's when Annie and her two daughters moved to nearby Scottsville and built a new brick home.  Both John and Annie Nicholas are buried in Scottsville Presybyterian Cemetery.
(8) Unknown. 

The Nicholas family information was provided by Richard Ludlum Nicholas of Charlottesville, Virginia.  Richard is the author of The Nicholas Family of England and Virginia (1988) and the grandson of George Henry Nicholas, brother of John Walter Nicholas of The Hermitage.

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDB21

The John Walter Nicholas Family



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