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Fairview, now 'High Meadows'

Fairview, now known as 'High Meadows'

Name:  Fairview, now 'High Meadows'

Date:  ca. 1904

Image Number:  E21cdE01

Comments:  The family of Charles Bascom Harris, Sr., gather for this family photo at their Fairview home in Scottsville.  Harris was a prosperous Scottsville merchant, who purchased forty acres of land in 1882 along the former Staunton and James River Turnpike on the north outskirts of town. This land contained a small brick house constructed ca. 1832 by Peter White, a farmer and surveyor of Scottsville.  With the help of his brother, Henry Hartwell Gary Harris, Charles built an elegant two-story brick home there for his growing family.  Charles intended to destroy the smaller White house as soon as his new home was completed.  However, his builder advised against that action as he knew it was a sound structure that could be incorporated into the larger home.  Charles then joined the two architecturally differing homes by a longitudinal hall suitable for entertaining his family and their friends and called this home 'Fairview.'

In the above 1904 photograph, Charles Bascom Harris, Sr., and his wife, Helen, sit on the front steps of Fairview.  Standing by the tree to their right is Annie 'Parke' Harris, their oldest daughter, and behind her on horseback is Henry Miletus Harris.   Seated on the ground to the left of the steps are Marjorie and Francis Harris.   In the wagon sit Helen Harris and her uncle, Henry H. G. Harris, whose nieces and nephews fondly called 'Nunk' (short for 'Uncle').

With their children grown and Charles in declining health, the Harrises gave up Fairview in 1920 and went to live with their daughter, Annie 'Parke' Smith, on Valley Street.  Later in 1985, Fairview was restored for use as a country inn and is now known as 'High Meadows.'
High Meadows by Henry Milletus Harris

Henry Milletus Harris, son of C.B. Harris, Sr., sketched this drawing of Fairview from memory when he was in his 70's.  Both the Burgess photo and this drawing are part of the Katherine Ellis collection.  Katherine resides in Scottsville and is the granddaughter of Charles Bascom Harris, Sr., and Helen (Crafton) Harris.

Shown below is a photo of High Meadows in 2010:
High Meadows 2010

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Above Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDE01

Drawing Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDE01

Bottom Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CG08



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