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Loving Charity Lodge

Loving Charity Lodge, Esmont, VA, 1909

Name:  Loving Charity Lodge

Date:  1909

Image Number:  B404cdB27

Comments:   The Loving Charity Lodge of Esmont, VA, was a private school for black children in grades one through six.   The 1909 student body is shown with their teacher, Miss Rebecca Moore.   The following list of student and teacher names is keyed to the photo above:

(1) Louise Winfrey;  (2) Thomas Louden;  (3) Joseph Bolling;  (4) Elnora Coltraine;  (5) Mable Feggans;  (6) Pauline Swingler;  (7) Alta Bolden;  (8) unknown;  (9) Miss Rebecca Moore;  (10) Lizzie Webb;  (11) Lucy Louden;  (12) Ansel Winfrey;  (13) John D. Bolden;  (14) Ben Watkins;  (15) Lucinda Moore;  (16) Helen Winfrey;  (17) Izetta Smith.  (18) Stewart Feggans;  (19) Raymond Smith;  (20) Sandy Winfrey;  (21) Frank Feggans;  (22) Thirst Winfrey;  (23) Valeen Hill;  (24) Rebecca Jordan;  (25) Lotte Swingler;  (26) Emory Copeland;  (27) Shafter Copeland;  (28) Mary Louden

In the early 1900's, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Douglas Forsyth built their mansion, called Nydrie, near Esmont.  The Forsyths also sponsored a black school held at the Loving Charity Lodge in Esmont, Virginia.  Rebecca Moore was brought to Esmont from New Orleans, where the Forsyths previously lived, to serve as the Loving Charity Lodge's teacher. 

The Loving Charity Society was a community and organization formed for African Americans after the Civil War.  In addition to offering burial and medical insurance, the societies' lodges were social gathering spaces.  The Loving Charity schoolhouse was located in the building now known as the Sons of Esmont Lodge at 7302 Porters Road, Esmont, Va.

Scottsville Museum wishes to thank Maxwell Johnson for his research and photographs on this Esmont community school!

1)  Benjamin F. Yancey papers, 1906-1915, Accession #11599-a, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.
2)  Community Cornerstones - A Selection of Historic African American Churches in Montgomery County, Maryland.  Heritage Montgomery, 2012.
3)  Davis, Jackson.  Negro Church and Lodge Hall (Colored Summer School Held Here).  University of Virginia Library, 1917.
4)  MacConochie, Maryann. Life in Esmont. The Albemarle Monthly, December-January 1979-80.
5)  Moore, Rebecca.  Rebecca Moore to Mrs. Forsyth, February 27, 1911.  Letter.  Benjamin F. Yancey papers, 1906-1915, Accession #11599-a, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.
6)  People of Our Past.  Newtown History Center, Virginia.

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Top Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDB27

Bottom Image Located On:  Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, VA. .



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