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Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery

Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery

Name:  Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery

Date:  July 2006

Image Number:  cg085cdcg06

Comments:  The Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery is located on the northwest and southwest sides of the church building at 690 Harrison Street.  The church was built in 1840 with property and funds donated by Anna Maria (Barclay) Moon and her husband, Edward Harris Moon, early Baptists of Viewmont near Carter's Bridge.  Based on extant gravestones, the earliest burial at this church appears to be 1851 (John Conoley), and the latest, 2018 (Marian Vanna Moore Beane). 

Directions to the Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery from Scottsville Museum:  Head West on Main Street.  Cross over Valley Street onto West Main Street and continue one block.  Turn right on Harrison Street and go 2 1/2 blocks; the Scottsville Baptist Church is on your left.  The cemetery is on the right side of the church and immediately behind it.

Following is an updated listing, dated August 2020, of the extant gravestones at Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery.  To see photographs of each gravestone, please click on the names in boldface below:

Alvarez, Joseph

Note: Located in Nicholas Plot. Father of Amparo Alvarez Nicholas.

Anderson, Joanna
Wife Of
A.W. Cocke

Beane, Marian Vanna Moore
May 14, 1922-March 9, 2018

Bell, Annie Powers
Wife Of
Andrew Gilbert Bell
Jan. 12, 1864
Oct. 8, 1951

Bell, Infant Daughters
A.G. & A.P.
March 13, 1899-March 13, 1899

Note: The Parents are Annie Powers Bell and Andrew Gilbert Bell

Bell, Nannie
My Child
(Inset Lamb)
Nannie Bell
Born June 10, 1855
Died, Sept. 17, 1856
Sweet be thy rest my lovely child
For God hath called thee home.

Note: Lamb is an inset design

Blair, Joseph P.
Oct. 9, 1864
Oct. 10, 1931
Peace, Peace! he is not dead,
he doth not sleep--
He hath awakened from
the dream of life.

Note: Husband of Susie Powers (Blair)

Blair, Susie Nicholas
Feb. 7, 1896
July 13, 1980

Note: Daughter of Joseph P. and Susie (Powers) Blair.

Blair, Susie Powers
Susie Powers
Wife of
Joseph P. Blair
Feb. 17, 1869
May 4, 1957
Whosoever liveth and
believeth in me
shall never die.

B. M. C.
No other markings.  B.M.C. was on top of a very plain vertical marker located at the right rear of the cemetery.

Bryant, Francis H., Jr.
Aug. 23, 1945
Aug. 23, 1945
Beloved Son Of
Francis & Helen

Note: Relief lamb near top of stone with flowers on each side of it.

Burgess, Helen A.
wife of
John Lee Pitts
Aug, 14, 1869
Mar. 30, 1962
Acknowledge God in
all thy ways, and He
will direct thy paths.

Note: Stone is an obelisk. See John Lee Pitts.

Cocke, A. W.

Note: Confederate cross at top of stone

Cocke, Joanna Anderson
Wife of A.W. Cocke

Conoley, John
Born January 7, 1778
Died February 6, 1851

Note: Stone has a hand with index finger pointing upward.

Crisp, Stella
Daughter of
Mary and Wm. CRISP
Wife of
David Henry Pitts
Born April 5, 1882
Ann Arundel, MD.
Died April 22 1946

Daniel, John Robert, Rev.
Feb. 18, 1855
Jan. 5, 1924
Minister of the gospel.
Blessed are the dead who die
in the Lord from henceforth, yea
saith the spirit, that they may rest
from their labors, for their works
follow with them.

Daniel, Lillian Hall

Daniel, Ruth

Day, Frances Edmonia Carter
Frances Edmonia
Their Memory is blessed

Note: On same stone with husband, Henry Wesley Day. She has a footstone F.E.D.

Day, Henry Wesley
Henry Wesley
Their Memory is Blessed

Note: See Frances Edmonia Day for details. No footstone for Henry.

Day, Mary Ardenia
1882-November 23, 1943

Doll, John Whitfield

Only son of
John A. & Sarah A. Doll
Born July 26th 1854
Died January 24, 1858
Sleep on sweet boy and take thy rest.
God called thee home. He thought it best.

Notes: Headstone has inset of child angel holding hourglass.
Footstone marked JWD and at base is J.W. Davies Rich.

Doll, Willie Preston
Our Boy
Of Such is the
Kindom of Heaven
Son of John A. and
Sarah A. Doll
Born 8th day of Feb. 1859
and died 22nd March 1861

Note: Flowers around top face of stone and on some on footstone. Footstone marked W.P. and at base lower right is J. Vincent Richmond, VA.

Dunn, Mary Emory
Mary Emory
Dau. of
M.I. & Susie Hill
Born Oct. 17, 1898
Died June 21, 1899
He shall gather the lambs
with his arm, and carry
them in his bosom.

Note: Footstone, M.E.D. and urn at foot. Located in Hill plot.

Ford, Bell
Little Bell
Daughter of
J.P. & Elizabeth
Born Aug. 2, 1860
Died Aug. 30, 1861
Alas how changed that lovely flower,
Which bloomed and cheered my heart.
Fair fleeting comforts at an hour,
How soon we're called to part.

Note: Last sentence partially buried. Raised Rose inset.

Ford, Sarah E.
Jan. 6, 1833
June 10, 1862
For me to love is Christ and
To die is gain.
Having a desire to depart and be with Christ.

Note: Writing fading and unable to discern all of it. Part is buried.

Fox, Joseph Hervey
Rev. Joseph Hervey Fox
October 16, 1813-November 27, 1902

Note: All the Fox stones are in one concrete enclosed area.

Fox, Katherine "Kate" Ryland
August 26, 1863-July 12, 1886

Fox, Ryland William
May 1872-unknown

Fox, Susan Fleet Ryland
January 19, 1835-December 23, 1919

Graham, J. Nicholas
May 4, 1845-December 10, 1932
J. Nicholas Graham
46 VA. INF.

Note: Confederate cross near top of stone.

Graham, William M.
CO. H.
23 VA. CAV.

Note: Confederate Cross at top of stone

Griffin, Sarah J.
Wife of Thomas G. Griffin
Nov. 3, 1828-April 10, 1903

Griffin, Thomas G.
Husband of Sarah J. Griffin
Dec. 15, 1826-Aug. 3, 1905

Grillet, Jane Estell
In Memory
of Jane Estell
Wife of
Charles Grillet
March 31, 1860,
Aged 62 Years.

Hamner, Fanny A.
In Memory of
Fanny A. wife of
E.D. Hamner
July 25, 1834
July 18, 1855

Hannah, Sarah Elizabeth
October 31, 1918-November 20, 2011

Hannah, Winifred Pitts
December 11, 1891-October 29, 1990

Harris, Frances G.
May 5, 1810 - Aug 7, 1877

Note: On same stone as Miletus B. Harris

Harris, LaFaette
In Memory of
Born Oct 15, 1824
Died Dec 24, 1856
He was a devoted husband and father
and a humble Christian.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

Notes: He was married to Martha Jane Minor.

Harris, Miletus B
Sept. 26, 1810-Jan. 8, 1880

Note: On same stone as Frances G. Harris

Harris, Nannie Minor
Born Nov 21, 1854
Died July 7, 1885
Asleep in Jesus

Note: She was the daughter of Lafaette (variant Lafayette) Harris.

Harris, Thomas R.

Note: Small stone with wild rose growing to front and partially blocking. Bottom of stone also partially buried.

Herndon, Louisa Maxey
Herndon, Robert

Herndon, Robert
His Wife
Forever with
the Lord


Note: Elaborate stone with vase at top, fleur de Lis, etc. Remaining three sides are blank for names.

Hill, Ann Elizabeth
Ann Elizabeth
Daughter of
James C. & Mary Emory Hill
April 14, 1872
Nov. 11, 1942

Note: Located in Hill plot.

Hill, James C.
May 29, 1831
Sept. 21, 1906
Gracious Father in they keeping,
Leave we now, they servant sleeping.

Hill, Mary Emory Lamb
Wife of James C. Hill
January 11, 1844-September 25, 1929

Hoge, Peter Charles
Husband of Sarah Ann Kerr Hoge
1808-July 17, 1876
"An active and zealous minister of
The gospel for thirty years."

Note: Inscriptions for Peter and Sarah Hoge are all printed on one stone.  HOGE is printed at base of stone

Hoge, Sarah Ann Kerr
Wife of Peter C. Hoge
October 30, 1810-September 10, 1872
She lived for others

Note: Inscriptions for Peter and Sarah Hoge are all printed on one stone.  HOGE is printed at base of stone

*Holt, Charles "Knobby" Asbury
344 Bombardment Group, 495 Squadron, Ninth Air Force
February 22, 1921-February 7, 2017

Holt, Josephine "Jodie" Hannah
February 13, 1923-June 10, 2019

Johnson, Sallie C.

Jordan Family

Jordan, Dorothy Pitts
January 30, 1909
November 10, 1993

Jordan, Judy Clark
Sept 27, 1948
Aug. 24, 1949

Jordan, Russell Wood,Jr.
August 26, 1905
February 12, 1959

Kent, Ruth Morton
Wife of
W. Robert Pitts
Aug. 27, 1910
Oct. 16, 1965

Lamb, Mary Emory
Wife of
James C. Hill
Jan. 11, 1844
Sept, 25, 1929
"Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see god."

Note: Located in Hill plot.

Marriott, Mary Reeve
February 28, 1956
September 4, 2008

McGovern Family

McGovern, Barbara Lee Jordan
November 16, 1935-January 4, 2018

McGovern, Robert G.
December 8, 1834
February 17, 1982

McNamara, Kathleen Phillips
June 2, 1931-

McNamara, Sheridan James
August 11, 1929
May 2, 2016

McPhail, Robert Hatton
In Memory
Robert Hatton
Son of
Rev'd Ben'Jn G. & Ann G.
Born in Snow Hill, Md
April 13, 1853
Died near Scottsville, Va
July 6, 1862
Aged 9 Yr's 2 Mos & 23 D's
O had thou still on earth remained
Vision of beauty, fair as brief
Perhaps thy brightness will.....

Note: Remainder of inscription illegable and partially buried.

Moon, Bluford L.
Son of
M.F. and J.W.

Moon, Carl Lester
April 11, 1906
April 25, 1942

Moon, Charles Thomas
Oct 25, 1872
April 22, 1945

Moon, Maggie Willie Tutwiler
Maggie Willie Tutwiler
Wife of
C.T. Moon
Apr. 5, 1868
June 30, 1935

Moon, Mary A.
Sept. 21, 1900
May 16, 1922
God grant that we may rest,
As calmly when our work,
Like hers, is done. MOON

Moore, Blanche Burpee
Moore, Dewey Martin

Blanche Burpee Moore
February 18, 1899-December 14, 1923

Dewey Martin Moore

Note: Husband and wife share stone. Stone is very long rectangle low to ground with rose, stem and leaves at upper right and left.

Moore, Edgar F.
Sept. 10, 1859
Mar 23, 1925

Moore, Hannah E. , Miss
Feb 6, 1853
Apr 21, 1928

Moore, Mary E.
Oct. 1, 1810
April 30, 1906

Note: Obelisk with her info facing to North with crown in a circle near top face. Foot marker has M.E.M on grave facing East. Husband, Samuel R. Moore, is on opposite side.

Moore, Ora E.
May 1, 1879
June 7, 1962

Moore, Samuel R.
Feb. 26, 1796
Oct. 4, 1854

Note: Obelisk with info facing South. Masonic Symbol in circle on face near top. Foot marker with grave facing East has S.R.M.

Nicholas Plot: includes gravestones for Joseph A. Alvarez, Fannie E. Horsley, Amparo Alvarez Nicholas, Florence R. Nicholas, Frances Ludlam Nicholas, Geo. H. Nicholas, H. Reeve Nicholas, and Henry Reeve Nicholas, Jr.

Nicholas, Amparo Alvarez
Oct. 13, 1913
Dec. 19, 2000

Note: Located in Nicholas Plot. Nickname was "Ampy."
Wife of Henry Reeve Nicholas, Jr., and daughter of Joseph Alvarez.

Nicholas, Florence R.
February 19, 1850
March 30, 1935

Nicholas, Frances "Fannie" Eldridge Horsley
Wife of
H.R. Nicholas,
Sept. 7, 1884
Sept 13, 1916.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god.


Note: Vertical stone with Ivy at top and Palm fronds near base.

Nicholas, Frances Ludlam
June 1, 1889
July 6, 1967

Nicholas, Geoorge Henry
Geo. H. Nicholas
Them also which sleep in
Jesus, will God bring with
1 Thes. 4-14

Nicholas, Henry Reeve,Jr
August 27, 1916
December 29, 1965
In God's Care.

Nicholas, Henry Reeve, Sr.
October 10, 1885
June 11, 1946
At Rest

Nicholas, Linda Woods
September 11, 1941
April 9, 2016

Nicholas, Sara Shannon
June 5, 1961
May 17, 1984

Phillips, John Randolph
Phillips, Katherine Pitts

John Randolph
Oct. 6. 1904
Nov. 14, 1998

Katherine Pitts
Jan 19, 1907
Jan. 5. 1992

Note: John Randolph and Katherine (Pitts) Phillips were husband and wife; they share this stone.

Phillips, Joseph Alan
June 6, 1909
Jan 23, 1981

Note: Joseph was brother of John Randolph Phillips. He never married.

Pippin, Lillie
Daughter of E.A. & Hellen
Born March 25, 1860
Died May 22, 1860
No ill our babe can reach- it rests above, Safe in the bosom of redeeming love.

Pippin, Martha A.

Pitts Private Portion of Cemetery: contains the gravestones of Helen A. Burgess, Marjorie Anne Gibbs, John Randolph Phillips, Joseph Alan Phillips, John L. Pitts, Jr., John Lee Pitts, Kathrine Pitts, Laura C. Pitts, and Marion A. Pitts.

Pitts, Arthur Laurie, Jr
Jan. 12, 1885
Nov. 1, 1957

Note: Roses w/ leaves and stems
Diamonds top & bottom

Pitts, Arthur L.
Husband of
Oct. 1, 1857
Nov. 24, 1940

Pitts, Bettie Pierce

Pitts, Cora L. Staples
June 1853-April 24, 1901

Pitts, David Henry
Sept. 24, 1852
Aug. 2, 1932
Blessed are the pure in heart.

Pitts, Infant Daughter
Sept. 9

Pitts, Infant Son
Infant SON
David H.
& Stella
C. Pitts
Dec. 26
1904-December 26, 1904

Pitts, John Lee, Jr.
Pitts, Laura Margaret Connellee

At Rest
John L., Jr.
Sept, 16, 1894
Mar. 4, 1984
"A Lovely Life Together."

Laura C.
May 10, 1895
May 13, 1971
"A Lovely Life Together."

Note: John L. Pitts, Jr., and Laura C. Pitts are husband and wife; they share this stone located in the Pitts section of the cemetery.

Pitts, John Lee
The path of the just
is as the shinning light,
that shineth more
and more until the
perfect day.

Note: Stone is an obelisk with John Lee Pitts on one side and his wife Helen A. Burgess on the other side.

Pitts, Jonathan
Mar. 2, 1822
Dec. 28, 1921

Note: CSA Cross
Wife is Mary Agnes Pitts

Pitts, Josephine E.
Feb. 9, 1865
Aug. 28, 1950

Pitts, Lillie F.
Pitts, Mary Agnes

Mary Agnes Pitts 1867-1948
Lillie F. Pitts
Wife of
R. Lindsay Stone
F.F.P.S. M.A.P.

Pitts, Lilly Tutwiler
Lily Tutwiler
Wife of
Luther M. Pitts
April 30, 1857
June 8, 1921

Pitts, Luther Marion
Born Sept. 25, 1854
Died Nov. 6, 1945
In as much as ye have done
It unto one of the least
Of these, my brethren, ye
Have done it unto me.

Note: Husband of Lily Tutwiler Pitts

Pitts, Marion A.
Oct. 26, 1887
July 19, 1932

Pitts, Marjorie Anne Gibbs
Marjorie Anne
Gibbs Pitts
March 28, 1922
Aug. 10, 1977
Married 34 years to
John Lee Pitts III
May 22, 1919

Note: As of Jun 10, 2006, John Lee Pitts III was still living in Del Rey Beach, FL and was 87 years old. Part of Pitts private plot.

Pitts, Mary Agnes Snead
Mary Agnes Pitts
Wife Of
Jonathan Pitts
Born March 7, 1826
Died Feby. 17, 1896
There is a vacant place in
our home which never can
be filled

Notes: Lily on front and back of tombstone
Foot stone has a star on the side facing grave

Pitts, Maynard F.

Pitts, Nannie Walton Gilliam
Aug. 21, 1905
Sept. 26, 1995

Pitts, Pearl

Daughter of
Luther M.
& Lillie M.
Born Aug. 24, 1898
Died Oct. 25, 1905
We loved this little tender one,
And would have wished her stay
But let our Father's will be done -
She shines in endless day.

Note: Stone has Lamb on top and flowers on stone

Pitts, Sallie Mable
Wife of
A. L. Pitts
Aug. 08, 1863
Dec. 29, 1921
In the full assurance of faith.

Pitts, Stella Crisp
Daughter of Mary and William Crisp
Wife of David Henry Pitts
April 5, 1882-April 22, 1946

Pitts, William P.

Pitts, William Robert
July 17, 1908
Oct. 24, 1979

Pitts, Winifred
Winifred Pitts
Wife of
Joel Martin Hannah
December 11, 1891
October 29, 1990

Pleasants, Newton C.
In Memory Of
Newton C. Pleasants
Oct. 6, 1869
Feb. 15, 1915
"Your life is hid with Christ
in God" COL 3:3

Pleasants, Sarah Ellen Cunliffe
Wife of
Thos. L. Pleasants
March 10, 1829-November 28, 1905
"I heard a voice from heaven
Saying unto me. Write from
henceforth blessed are the
dead who die in the Lord."

Powers, Lucy Harrison
May 30, 1874
Feb. 12, 1966

Powers, Marietta
July 10, 1871
March 2, 1953

Proffitt, Mary E.
Our Mother
Mary E. Proffitt
Dec. 29, 1836
April 19, 1925

Note: Date of death info was buried. Stone appears to have been reset in concrete. Perhaps it was broken as it is set low.

Quick, Emily Rushberg
Quick, Mary Frances

Emily Rushberg Quick
Resting in peace, in the arms of Jesus.

Quick, Mary Frances
October 27, 1856-October 18, 1932
Resting in peace, in the arms of Jesus.

Note: Emily Rushberg and Mary Frances Quick share this headstone.

*Quick, Thomas Carter
Ancell's CO

Note: Confederate cross on headstone

Ragland, Anne E.
In Memory of
Anne E.
wife of
James W. Mason
and daughter of
N.H. Ragland
Born in Richmond, VA.
April 12, 1822
Married April 2, 1845
Died January 27, 1846
"Blessed are the dead which lie in the
Lord: they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.

This monument was erected by her husband
as a token of affection.
Note: Stone is an obelisk.

Ragland, Joseph A.
to the memory
Dr. Joseph A. Ragland
Born February 18th, 1816
Died July 6th, 1850

Note: Located in Hill plot.

Rich, Albert Edward
Husband of Nora Albany Cocke Rich

Rich, Nora Albany Cocke
Wife of Albert Edward Rich

Starkey, Rufus Edward
August 19, 1903-November 7, 1984

Staton, Betty Carter

Note: Stone is an obelisk.

*Staton, Charles L.
April 8, 1840
Jan. 9, 1917
A Confederate Soldier

Virginia (Last name unknown)
In Memory
of My sister
April 1, 1861
Aged 22 years

Note: No last name on stone but maybe a BELL as other Bells in that area.
Stone is leaning at sharp angle backwards. Part of it may be buried.

Walker, Joseph
Rev. Joseph Walker
A Baptist Minister
for over 60 years.
April 10, 1804
April 7, 1895
"A sinner saved by grace"

Ware, Bernard
Only son of
F.H. & Kate WARE
Born May 11, 1868 Died April 17, 1870
The Lord gave, the Lord hath
taken away.  Blessed be the
name of the Lord.

Wilkinson, Mary Virginia
In Memory of
Mary Virginia
Daughter of E.M. & Kate
April 22, 1898
May 14, 1898
"At Rest"

Wood, J. T.
Memory Of
J.T. Wood
6 Jan'y 1835
12 Jan'y 1845

The gravestone listing of Scottsville Baptist Cemetery was compiled by Callie and John Bowers in June 2006 as part of Scottsville Museum's ongoing effort to record local church and cemetery records.  This listing was updated by Connie Geary in September 2017 and July 2020..


Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Top Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDcg06



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