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Valley Street in Scottsville, ca. 1900

Valley Street, 1898

Name:  Valley Street in Scottsville, Virginia

Date:  Ca. 1900

Image Number:  RollTwoNeg22A

Comments:  Burgess captured the west side of Valley Street in this photograph, using his panoramic camera with a fisheye lens.  See the image below as a guide to these specific buildings:
(1)  Dorrier Building (Corner of Valley Street and West Main) - served as a general merchandise and feed-grain store for many years until its recent conversion to a grocery store.
(2)  Carlton House - built c. 1840 and served as a Civil War Hospital.  At this time, the building contained 3 businesses: Dickenson's Drug Store at the corner of Valley Street and West Main, the Carlton House Hotel at the center entrance with a lobby on the first floor and stairs leading to rooms upstairs; and at the north entrance to the building was Sclater Hardware Co.
(3)  National Bank of Scottsville - David Pitts served as President with Walter Dorrier as cashier.
(4)  Post Office and Griffin Building - Constructed c. 1840, these two identical brick buildings appear to be one structure.   The first building was the town post office from 1884-1914.
(5)  Beal Building - This two-story brick building was built about 1840 by the Beal family, and Scottsville Mayor Jackson Beal, Sr., had his office here.  For many years, town court was held on the second floor.  Here also was the law office of Thomas Staples Martin, elected in 1895 to the U.S. Senate where he served 25 years.

Valley Street, 1898

Population of Scottsville In 1900 Was 1,248; Paper Reveals Interesting Facts
Scottsville Sun, May 15, 1958

The population of Scottsville in 1900, according to the geography of Virginia published that year, was 1,248.

At that time, according to The Scottsville Courier, you could get on a train any afternoon or evening, bound for Lynchburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, St. Louis, or any point west, or a train leaving the Scottsville Depot twice a day took passengers to Richmond and the Virginia "seaside."  There was a controversy over the financing of a Scottsville bridge in Buckingham County, with poems pro and con taxation to finance it in the editorial columns.

T.W. Heath knew the value of advertising and advertised his Scottsville Roller Mills, adding that "To my Buckingham patrons, I wish to say that I have made an arrangement with Captain Thomas to ferry them across the river and return for 25 cents per wagon."  He also advertised building materials, painting, paper-hanging, and was an agent for "Antiseptic Laundering."

For $45 you could buy one "brand new top buggy, and spring, piano box, leather top."  A condensed encyclopedia cost 50 cents, and jobs were offered ambitious salesmen who could make $780 to $936 a year, while the "best shoes in the world" cost $3 a pair.

In the issue of July 5, 1901, we find that a rumor was going around that the Albemarle Soapstone Company had bought a controlling interest in the Virginia Soapstone Company, and the two would merge soon.

D. H. Pitts was elected treasurer and Dr. J.P. Blair secretary of the Scottsville Town Council when Messrs Beal and Pereira were added as new members.  The tax on whisky was raised to $40 and a tax on dogs was levied.

The wedding of Frank Russell Moon and Annie Dunscomb Horsley was written up in the social column.  It took place June 26, 1901 in Grace Church, Buckingham County.  The bride, escorted by her brother, Alexander Caldwell Horsley, was attired in white Paris muslin trimmed with lace and carried a shower bouquet of roses.  Her attendants carried ferns and daisies.

Conducting the service was Rev. T.H. Lacy.  The groom was attended by his brother, Carey Nelson Moon.  Mrs. John Horsley played the wedding march.

Mr. Moon was "a popular and prosperous merchant of Manteo."

After the wedding, "an elaborate luncheon was served" at Traveler's Rest, Warminster, home of the bride.  She was the daughter of the late John Horsley and great granddaughter of Major Charles Yancy of Virginia.

Mrs. Henry Burton, matron of honor, was attired in her wedding gown of white silk.

Cures for stomach ailments were advertised in several columns.

The Scottsville National Bank was established in 1901 and advertised "a general banking business."  Dr. J.P. Blair was the dentist, who advertised that he would visit Buckingham, Columbia, Arvonia, and Howardsville, and the doctor, J.S. Pendleton, also advertised that he would practice in Albemarle, Buckingham, and Fluvanna.  In a town of over 1,000, this seems to show that either not so many people were ill as they are nowadays, or the doctors and dentists put in longer hours, and less time per patient!

Copyright © 2018 by Scottsville Museum

Image Located On:  Capturing Our Heritage, CDB3



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