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Milton Meyer Cohen

Milton Cohen

                        Name: Milton Meyer Cohen

                        Branch of Service: U.S. Army
                        Air Forces

                        Unit: War Photographer

                        Rank: Sergeant

                        Dates of Service: 6/20/1942-7/1946

                        Theater of Service: Europe, Africa,

         Sgt. Cohen's story: "I'm in the Army Now!"

Milton Meyer Cohen

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA - Milton Meyer Cohen died peacefully in his sleep on Friday, April 17, 2009, at the Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Rose Mae on May 17, 2002; and his sister, Goldie Lazurus in March of 2009.

He is survived by his two daughters, Susan Cohen of Eugene, Oregon, and Lynne Cohen with her husband, Bradford Harris, of Austin, Texas; and his brother and sister-in-law, Norman and Florrie Cohen of West Patterson, New Jersey.

He was beloved by family and friends for his kind, gentlemanly, and unassuming manner.  He loved children and has six long-time neighborhood friends that as teenagers and adults still call him Grandpa because of the bond he created with them when they were young.  They are Susanna Payne of Richmond, Virginia; Graham Payne of Greensboro, North Carolina; Harrison Brookman of Charlottesville, Virginia; Susan Martin Singer of Richmond; Jimmy Martin of Stuttgart, Germany; and Sara Martin Abernathie of Richmond, Virginia.

Milton Meyer Cohen was born January 2, 1917, in Lynchburg, Virginia, to Fanny and Nathan Cohen.  In 1931, the family moved to Scottsville, Virginia, to set up a clothing store that Milton and Rose Mae took over in 1949.  They retired in 1980 after 31 years of retail service to Scottsville and its surrounding community.

Milton is an Air Force Veteran of World War II and taught airplane recognition to airmen in Northern Africa and Italy.  A notable fact is that he taught the Tuskegee pilots as they were being trained to escort and protect other fighter planes.

A summary of Milton's well-lived life would not be complete without remarking upon his love of his faith and his regular observance at worship services.  He was constantly reading about Jewish culture, history, and theology.  He lived his faith in his wit, intelligence, fairness, kindness, and generosity to others.

Funeral services will be held at Hill and Wood Funeral Home on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 11:00 am to be followed by a grave side service at the Congregation Beth Israel Cemetery, Charlottesville, VA.

Milton was the husband of Rosa Mae Oseroff of Charlottesville, Virginia.  Milton is buried at the Hebrew Cemetery in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Milton Meyer Cohen gravestone, Hebrew Cemetery, Charlottesville, VA

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